Chapter 3a: The First VK Power

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[Thomas went over to Kion's lair]

Thomas: Hey Kion

Kion: hey kid. What do you need?
Thomas: I really want to learn to use a VK move!
Kion: Why does that matter?
Thomas: because, it will be cool of how I can become a hero if I want to find those fifteen melodies, like that stone that you showed to me three days ago

Kion: I'm not showing you one kid. I'm busy right now

Thomas: Please Kion please. How am I suppose to become a hero, if I don't know any VK moves?

Kion: No, I'm busy right now. Figure it out, yourself (Sleeps)

Thomas: don't need my help anyways (Walks away)

*At a hillside*

Thomas: Okay, maybe I'll just learned it by using force. Ready, okay! (Tries to use force to move a rock without touching his hands, but nothing happens) Ugh, it's not working. Is this how VK works? Or am I doing it wrong? Ugh! This doesn't make any sense! (Thinking)

*Later, Thomas tries another approach by using his fingers*

Thomas: Maybe, if I can use my fingers, I'll be able to perform magic with these babies? Okay, here goes! (Tries to use his fingers to perform VK, but nothing happens) Ugh! What kind of magic does Kion even use anyways?! (Thinks thoughtfully again)

*Thomas later do various attempts such as, attempting to shoot magical bullets with his fingers, performing magical stomps, and tries to use super speed, but unfortunately nothing happens*

Thomas: (Exhausted and collapses on the ground) Ugh...this is useless...what am I suppose to do now?
Kion: What did you do to yourself?

Thomas: Huh? Kion?
Kion: Are you having trouble?
Thomas: Yeah, I tried like ten times and NOTHING HAPPENED!!!
Kion: Well...sadly, you don't even have VK powers, so I don't think you can possible learn one by yourself

Thomas: But, there has to be some way to learn some!
Kion: Hmm...there might be. I don't know

Thomas: Really?! Then, show it to me! I would really like to see it!
Kion: Umm...okay then, just this once. Alright?
Thomas: Alright

[Thomas and Kion are seen at the forest]

Kion: If you really want to learn VK, then just let me demonstrate, alright?
Thomas: Alright

Kion: You see...VK moves are typically the magical forces that people inherit from their genes

Thomas: Wow

Kion: But that's not all, each VK move has it's own physical ability. So that means that every person, needs to learn how to learn VK on their own
Thomas: Wow, sounds kinda tricky

Kion: So, today. I'll be teaching you how to do: VK Flash (Performs a flash attack by pointing his two fingers in the sky and shoots it in the air, forming a ball of light and explode)
Thomas: Woah

Kion: VK Flash is often considered to be one of the most basic and common VK moves that a person can learn. VK Flash depends on the light of the move. (Performs another VK flash) The brighter the ball is, the more powerful it will get.

Thomas: But how can I, well Thomas, do VK, if I don't have a magic...VK move thingy?

Kion: I idea...

Thomas: (Shocked) WHAT?!

Kion: I know people inherited VK a different way in the past, but I never bothered to figure out how...

Thomas: Kion!
Kion: And that, concludes my demonstration to you (walks away)
Thomas: Wait Kion! I need you to do the flash move again! I'll record it on my phone this time

Kion: (Sigh) Whatever...

*Kion performs the move, with Thomas recording it. After that's done, Kion goes to a nearby tree and rests*

Thomas: (Watching the video while learning to perform VK, which he's still having trouble with) UGH! This is all he does?! Why do you got to be so dang smart about it, Kion? (Rewatches the video and begins to feel determined) Ugh, when am I going to learn how to perform VK?! This taking forever! (Kicks a boulder, hurting himself) Ow!

[He later attempted to use VK in many ways, but ended up not using it]

Thomas: Grr! (Collapses to the ground) It's not working

Kion: What are you doing, Thomas?
Thomas: I'm still learning to use VK flash, but somehow its still not working

Kion: You just need to continue practicing, until you get it

Thomas: Alright then, if you wish

Kion: (Sits next to him) You know, sometimes you just gotta let yourself slide and focus on something you really want to get, instead of taking it seriously

Thomas: Maybe, you're right. I guess I need to focus more on the move

Kion: That's what I want to hear

Thomas: (Gets a notification) I gotta go. See ya (Walks home)
Kion: See ya

*Thomas walks home*

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