Part 1: Trial and Verdict

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"Defendant Boggs, please stand." The judge had ordered.

Randall Boggs and his lawyer stood up. He had been caught and arrested when he had returned to the monster world for revenge on James P. Sullivan and Mike Wazowski.

The two of them had been witnesses at his trial and they had injuries that had been inflicted on them from the lizard monster.

Randall was wearing an orange shirt and he had cuffs attached to his hands. He had an identification number on his shirt too. He hated having to be in jail and his life and his job had been destroyed by the two idiots over in the audience.

The judge went on to name to his defenses and he was found guilty of every account. His punishment was going to be 5 to 15 years in prison. Maybe in a number of years, he might be offered parole if he earned it.

Randall growled. He didn't want to be in prison.

His lawyer said, "I'll keep on fighting to get your sentence down. But this is what it is for right now."

"Why does it matter? Everyone who's ever known me wants to see my life destroyed anyway. I've always been hated by everyone." Randall said.

"Don't talk like that. I'll do my best."

Then a guard came over and unlocked Randall's cuffs from the table and he pulled on his arms to come with him. His hands were recuffed.

Randall went with the guard quietly.

Mike and James were glad to hear that Randall was going to be in prison for a long time. Maybe he would learn something from it. At least he wasn't a threat right now, but there was always a possibility of escape. That lizard was a crafty one. He was smart and fast too. And he had the gift to turn invisible.

There were some other male monsters in the audience who had heard about Randall's troubles and they had their own ideas and had come up with the information fast. They left the room after the trial was over and then they talked to the judge that they had some ways of therapy for Randall to attend to that might help out in the long run.

Randall was to face the judge again in private anyway to be told where he was going to be going.

The judge seemed convinced that these guys could know what they were doing. They were all dressed as guards themselves.

Then it was that it happened that Randall and two guards who were in charge of him came around the corner. He was silent, but mad. When they got close to the judge, he saw that there were what appeared to be other guards talking to the judge.

"Mr. Boggs, it seems you have a little reprieve from going straight to prison." The judge said.

"What? Is there some other place that's going to screw up my life?"

"No. This one might help you out some more. These gentlemen here are offering some therapy program for you and you might go to a better place, within you respond to the therapy."

"No thanks." Randall said.

"I think this will help you get back to the way of thinking that you need. So, yes, you are going to go with them, Boggs." The judge said.

Randall was signed over to the new officers' custody.

"Just where is it that I'm going?" Randall asked.

"To an asylum over in Roarington."

Randall's eyes lit up. "But that's over two hours away!"

"It's where you're going whether you like it or not."

One of the guards in charge of him currently then handed Randall's papers over to one of the other guards.

"He's all yours."

Randall felt more like he was being sold. And this was supposed to be better than in the human world? He still bore the scars from the shovel on his face.

Two men came over and began pulling on his upper arms. He knew he didn't have much of a choice. He grumpily went with them out to their transport truck.

He saw it was a big black truck. One nearly similar to what the CDA used. What was he supposed to expect?

"Go on, get in, you traitorous lizard!" One of the guards ordered and pushed him on up.

Randall growled and stepped up, but then he was pushed ever so roughly on his back that he was forced to go down. He cried out as he landed on his hands ever so hard. The cuffs had hurt his wrists.

He then looked up at his new captors, turning over.

"Don't think you are getting away anytime soon and with your long sentence, if you get away, your face will be posted everywhere in an instant to where you won't be able to go near any civilization without someone who would turn you in."

Randall was beginning to realize that these guys were not going to be very nice to him at all. But then, he had been like that for a long time, not so very nice himself. He rubbed his wrists as he raised himself up again.

There were three men in the back with him and two more up front. They all had weapons, bats, tazers, and even guns if needed.

He kept his tail facing against the wall of the truck. For some reason, the way these monsters were looking at him was beginning to make him nervous. His lawyer better hurry up and get him out of this mess. He so did not want to be with these guards, or going to an asylum. Those places were for lunatics and worse.

The guards looking at him had quite the hungry look in their eyes for this lizard. They knew their little act had worked to convince the judge. He was now theirs.

"How long am I going to be in your prison?" Randall asked.

"As long as needed to be."

"And then, what is the therapy supposed to do? Make me into a sickeningly nice monster?"

"Oh, much more. It's fun for us. But at the same time, it's a punishment for ones like you." A blue one said.

"What are you going to do? Shock my brain? I'll never be what they were!" Randall yelled.

"Oh, we'll see about that."

Randall had a feeling he wasn't going to like this 'therapy,' no matter what they tried on him.

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