Part 11

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One night, Randall woke up about three in the morning with what felt like really bad cramps. Eventually, the feelings got stronger and he went into the bedroom where Rambo and Ollie were. He woke them up.

They were both groggy and not too happy about being woke up before they were ready.

"Sorry to wake you up, but I'm having some pain." Randall said.

They both snapped awake at that. It was time.

Ollie went to go turn on the incubator while Rambo got some towels. They were going to let the kids sleep, unless they woke up. They had school.

"How far apart are the pains?" Ollie asked.

"Five minutes."

"You are close then." She said.

"Is it supposed to happen this fast?" Randall asked.

"Every birth is different. Some go fast and others can take hours, and even days."

"Count yourself lucky you're going through it fast then." Rambo said. "How long have you been in labor?"

"An hour and a half, I think." Randall said.

"I'll take care of delivery, Rambo. You just be ready should I need anything. I think we have everything we need for right now." Ollie said.

They were all in the kitchen right now. Then Ollie and Randall went back to the room Randall was staying in. The bed had been prepared for the birth.

"This is so scary." Randall said.

"Yes, but it must be done." Ollie said. "Get on the bed now." The door was closed behind her.

When the contractions came on, Ollie encouraged him to breathe. They had to be down to two minutes apart at least.

Out in the living room, Rambo paced and every so often sat down. But it didn't take long for Tyson to go wandering through to the bathroom.

"What's going on, Dad?" He asked.

"Alex is having his eggs this morning. Your mother is helping him right now. There's not anything otherwise exciting about it. You need your rest for school. Go back to bed."

"I have to use the bathroom first." Ty said.

"Okay, go, but then to bed." Rambo ordered.

Ty went and reluctantly went to bed, though he couldn't sleep with the realization of the eggs being born.

It wasn't long before the first egg was born. It was a bit big and nearly didn't come out. But Ollie had gotten it out.

Randall felt torn down there. The first egg had been too big what felt like to him. While he was resting briefly, Ollie cleaned up the egg. From the moment it was out of him, Ollie made sure not to turn it and marked the top of it.

"Rambo, the first egg is here!" She called.

Rambo heard and then entered the room.

The egg was oval and white. Randall got a look at this first egg before it was handed to Rambo to go put in the incubator. Then another contraction came on.

Randall moaned and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth. His hands gripped the sheets.

"Push now, Alex." Ollie said.

He gathered his strength and pushed again. Each push moved the eggs every time. Burning started down in his lower body again. Then, intense pain at his entrance and then, the stretching.

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