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Jisung was laying on his bed procrastinating to do homework when he saw that Felix was calling him.

He smiled softly, glad that there was finally something to distract him from his boredom but his mood quickly changed once he answered the phone.

"Hello?" Jisung said once he answered the call but tensed up once he heard the familiar voice on the other line.

"Hey uh... it's Chan."

"Is Felix okay?" Jisung immedietly asked, not able to think of any reason as to why Chan would ever want to talk to him unless Felix wanted to force him to apologize or something like that.

"Can you come to his house?" Chan asked, ignoring the younger's question.

"Yeah, uh just send me the address and I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay," Chan said before quickly hanging up.

Jisung was terrified of going to the address that Chan had just sent him. He was scared that something bad was going to end up happening but he was too concerned about Felix to debate whether or not he should go.

Besides, the weirdest part about that conversation was that Chan didn't sound mad. That was the first time Jisung had ever heard him speak so calmly, he almost sounded sad.

Jisung quickly got up, put on some shoes, then followed his phone's directions to what Chan had told him was "Felix's house."

Once he got there he knocked on the door a couple of times and tensed up once he saw Chan open the door.

Chan opened the door a little more, signaling for Jisung to come inside which he hesitantly did, noticing how Chan was avoiding eye contact at all times in the process.

"His room is this way," Chan mumbled and Jisung nodded and followed him. 

Jisung followed Chan into the room and saw Felix who was now sitting on his bed with a blanket around him. Jisung quickly noticed that he looked like he had just been crying. He wanted to hug him and ask him what was wrong but he felt so uneasy considering that Chan was right next to him.

Felix was having the same thoughts. He wanted to hug Jisung and tell him what had just happened and how gross he felt with himself. He wanted some sort of reassurance that he wasn't disgusting for thinking certain things but he couldn't do any of that with Chan in the room. He was scared that would only make everything worse.

Chan could feel the awkward tension in the room and he was well aware of the fact that he was the cause of it. He hated that Felix wanted to see Jisung instead of him. It was almost like he trusted Jisung more than him within the very short amount of time they had known each other. It hurt that Felix asked for Jisung instead of him. He didn't understand what he did wrong or why Felix for some reason seemed to not want him there.

However, he also knew that now wasn't the time to ask Felix any of those questions. If Felix wanted Jisung and Jisung could somehow cheer him up then he decided it would be best to leave them alone to talk, despite how much he wanted to stay in order to make sure Felix was okay.

"I'm gonna go home now." Chan mumbled and walked over to give Feix a quick hug, "text me later, okay?" He asked and Felix just nodded.

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