Rightful owner part 2

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All the members of manwool were currently
gather  in the meeting room a gaint room
in the mansion that can fit about 300 people
"whats this all about mayor?" an executive asked.
"yeah whats up? why gather our the whole
manwool?" asked another executive.
the lower members were also wondering the same
thing. why did he call up a meeting it was already
turning nightime and the mayor was standing there
silently for 5 minutes now.
"Everyone listen." the mayor said getting all the attention
of the members and executive.
"i have a confestion to make about alpha" Dexter said.
In the past people thought that dexter was the alpha
and the founder of manwool along with gary who was now
at orario.
"im not the founder of manwool" dexter said surprissing
"wait so whos the founder of manwool?" an executive asked
"was gary the real alpha?" someone in the croud asked.
"no" dexter said with his knees it was a familliar feeling for
dexter everytime alpha assembles a meeting he would
kill some traitors in the gang even people he dont like
if he wanted to. the past executives were already dead
and the new executives have no idea why dexter was acting
like a scared cat."
(what if he sees me as a threath? why did he came back?
is he gonna kill me? what if he knows about my transation
with the goverment?) thoughts came to dexters head.
"ill take it from here" kien said as he step to stage
with his hands on his pockets.
"i am the founder of the pack or its new name manwool
kien said" hearing this the people were a bit skeptical
how can this young who looked like he just turned
18 was the founder of manwool.
one of the executives named brian stepped forward
with an angry face looked at kien while he walked
towards him. "hey kid its not a funny jo-" before
he could even finish his sentence kien slapped him
in the face so hard he fell to the ground.
the guy almost passed out with his nose bleeding
he was pissed and drew his knife out.
"STOP!" dexter shouted.
"its true his the real alpha" dexter said. shocked everyone
the guy who was slapped cant believe it and was ignorant
he decided to cast his spell firebolt alpha or not he doenst
care he just embarassed him in front of people.
"DIE!" brian yelled as he aimed at kien shocking everybody
except kien. kien dind even moved as he had a ring that
could block any magical attack lower than his level.
"he wasnt even faze!" a member said.
"holy shit not one scratch!" his friend said as they all
were in shock and amazed. the next thing they knew
kien already decapitated brian leaving everybody horrified.
"he.. kille..d an executive?" they were all horrified to see him
killing one of the biggest contributors in the gang.
"i need strong warriors who here is a level 2 or even a
level 3?" kien asked.
some people were level two but kien did not see anything
special in them so he dismissed them.
"whos the strongest member you have dexter?"
"wolf sir a level 3 warrior
but hes currently injured due to an incounter"
"hmm tell me more." kien asked.
wolf was patrolling with his team in cherry village when
they were confronted with a skillfull fighter from that
village injuring them in the process." dexter explained.
"that place..hmm.. tell wulf to meet me here tommorow"
he said to dexter as he stood from his chair.
"you and you" step forward. pointing at two members
whole were level 2.
"sir" the two said in unison.
"i now assign you as my body guard you'll acompany me
on my travels and i will pay you 100'000 valis for your services
is that okay with you?" kien said.
"more than enough sir!" "Thank you boss".
kien only smiled seeing them obideint and respectfull
towards him. he was also curious to whos the defender
of that little village that he once stayed.
"oh shit maja's gonna kill me!" he said as he left the scene
dissmising the members. hes two new bodyguards also
followed him.
arriving at the barber shop it was already night
once he entered he saw a cute maja who looked
13 of age. (its up to your imagination) lol
"where have you been? ive been waiting for forever!"
maja said with a pouty face she seemed to growned
attached to him in the past 2 days they were together.
'tsk i had to do some stuff" he said as he went out
to the barber shop along with maja.
arriving at the mansion maja was stunned to see
that kien was actaully super rich. at first she thought
he only had money beacause hes an adventurer but
now she sees him as a spoiled young master.
"you own this?!" she almost yelled.
"i do." kien replied.
"speechless? wait till you taste the food." kien
said. as maja begun to imagine luxuries of food
making her hungry.

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