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◇ Hello! This page gives information about the oc i will be using in this book! ◇


Chrisk Velvette Wythe

Nicknames : velv , wytte

Age : 16-20

Weight : 49 kg

Blood type : O

Gender : genderflud

Height : 6'2ft (188.0cm)

Birth date : April 1st

Status : alive

Nationality : Spanish

Ability/power : A copycat of perfections (完璧の模倣 Kanpeki no mohō) the user will be able to mimic an ability as long they saw an ability in use. backlashes are The user will only be able to mimic two abilities at a time , the user will have to wait a short period of time (6-9 seconds) to use another ability a previous ability the user has used will be erased if they use another ability if they do not remember every detail of that ability.

Eye color : sky blue and light blue

Hair color : black , pink and blue highlights

Skin type : pale

Relationship status : single

Language : English, Spanish Japanese.

Hobbies : reading , flashy fashion , art , music , writing.

Dislikes : injections , deep pools of water , heights , dark.

Activities : can play the guitar , the volin , bit of piano.

Appearance : velvette wears a white dress shirt and red ribbon tie with a silver star medal. He wears a long navy blue hoodie, a pair of black leather pants and black Zip Sneaker. He also wears a black-and-pink belt set with three silver rings attached to each side of the belt itself and a heart buckle on the end.

Personality : he appears to be calm and collected, but holds his power in a very high regard, very brash and, overall, quite carefree. He does not tolerate being laughed at and does not like to be ignored. He tends to be uncommon with feels as he get's confusion when someone is angry sad ect. He does not care about his well being healthy or safe but does care for others.


• Velvette's quote "Life is meaningless. But at the same time I enjoy life. Am I even allowed to enjoy life If I have such disgraceful Beliefs?" 

• Favorite quote is widely misattributed to Bill Gates "Life is not fair - get used to it."

• He is ambidextrous but perfers to write with his right hand.

• He likes people watching, cafes, and fantastical stories, while he dislikes having his clothes made fun of, and self-help books.

• His birthday is April Fools' Day, a clear reference to his tendency to fool people.

• He dislikes romance as he is seen to avoid reading anything about it even though he's a flirt.


♡ That is all of the information on my oc! I do hope you enjoy this story as it has been fun writing it! :D please enjoy! ♡

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