---Chapter 5 (A Sad Farwell)---

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Aphmau POV:

We're standing on the docks about to bored all the people who are going to leave on the boat. I looked at Levin and Malachi.

"Be good for me boys". I say.

"We will". Says Malachi. I smile than give them a hug.

"I'll miss You". I say.

"You'll be here when we come back, right"? Levin Asks.

"Of course, I will". I say. They both smile. "It's time for you to leave ". I say. They frown.

"Ok". They say sadly. Then walk on the boat, we all watch as the boat sails away. I sigh sadly.

"Lady Aphmau,I understand how you feel,but look". Laurence Says. I look up and see 3 boats heading our way.

"One Ship leaves and 3 more come". Lady Katelyn Says.

"What's that"? Dante Asks.

"What's what"? I ask.

"That". He says pointing to what looks like smoke.

"That looks like smoke". I say.

"And It looks like it's coming from....".

"Meteli"! Me and Laurence say at the same time.

"Oh No....". Laurence Says than runs off

"Laurence Wait"! I Yell,but he already ran off. "Dante Lady Katelyn,can you both stay here and make sure everyone is ok". I ask.

They Nod.

"Okay Thank You". I say Then run off to Meteli.


I arrived at Meteil only to see the whole Village on fire,and Laurence trying to clam down a frightened Cadenza.

"Lord Hayden, What Happened"? I asked Worried.

"We were ambushed by Ok'asian Guards". He answers.

"WHAT", I-Is Everyone Okay,Did anyone get hurt"? I Ask concerned.

"Thankfully No one was hurt,our guards fended them off as much as possible."

"That's Good." I answered as I sighed in relief.

"Yeah I know, but our village is ruined". He says Sadly.

"Lord Hayden, you and your village can seek shelter in Phoenix Drop". I say.

"Are you sure Lord Aphmau". He asks.

"Of Course I am, after are we are allies, we're supposed to help each other out". I reassure him.

"Thank You Lord Aphmau, your help is deeply appreciated". He says.

"It's No Problem". I say.


Meteli got settled in Kiki Barn, we set up food at beds for our allies to settle in.

"I want to Thank All of you for coming in our time of need". I say to The Lord's of Our allies and their head Gurads

"It's no problem". Lord Burt of Bright Port Says.

"Lord Aphmau, you've helped us all out it's only fair that we help you and The Rest of Phoenix Drop out". Lord Hayden of Meteli Says.

"So Tell me how many of you expect to come out of this war alive"? Lord Luke of Pikoro asks.
Everyone's face goes pale, and we all tense up.

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