---Chapter 15 (Lord Crystal...?)---

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Crystal POV:

We're still riding to Meteli. I wonder.....

~2 week ago~

Me and my Father are sitting on the couch Nekoette is outside and My mother is in the kitchen baking some sweets.

"Dad"? I ask.

"Yes". He answers.

"Where did I come from"?

I hear a spoon drop I turn around and see my mom picking up a spoon from the floor. My father starts coughing "Uh...W-What did you ask"?

"I asked Where did I come from"?

"Uhh...*Ahem* we...we talked about this before....you know when a man and woman-".

I jump up (This was before she hurt her leg so she didn't get hurt when she jumped)"WHAT NO, NO, I....I don't mean where I came from, I mean where I came from like where you found me"?

"Oh....I knew that well I was on patrol when I found you this strange man came up to me and asked me to take you so I did, me Aphmau and Laurence went to see if we could find your home Village to try to find your real parents, you know what happened  but that was how you ended up with us, and when I found you I found this also". He says going to a dresser and pulling out what looks like a necklace and hands it to me

I take the necklace and look at it, it has a normal chain with a Royal blue heart it looks like a sapphire I pull out my sword and notice it also a a blue gem in it

"Which village was it"?


~End Of Flashback~

"I wonder if it's near here.....". I mutter to myself griping onto the necklace


We finally arrived at Meteli

"Wow it's beautiful". I mutter.

"Wow Cadenza this...this I beautiful". Aphmau says.

"Welcome to New Meteli"! Cadenza Says.

"...Did you guys build this all from scratch...."?  Aphmau asks.

"We sure did! Well...under my father's rule. Though two years ago we had the houses remodeled a little bit more stylised".

"It's still beautiful none the less".

"Thank you Lady Aphmau. Now, it's getting late and quite frankly I want to get you girls cleaned up before we head to bed".

"Uhh". I say.

"What are you talking about"? Aphmau asks.

"What am I talking about"? Look at you I'm sorry to say but your a mess..and you 3 we're around the Chicken Shamon which didn't help your scent... Laurence don't think you can get away with this your guilty as well".

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