Chapter 4- Day 1 Complete

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I snuggled further into his coat and he purred at me liking being so close. Now, we were two wolves without a mate.

There was a knock on the door and I slid off Jake changing back around the door. I smelled and knew who was in the otherside without using the peep hole.

I gathered up all of the happiness for them as I could. "Yes, Kelly?" My hand clutched the wall as Jake came to my side. My heart hurt but I knew he was there for me.

"Did you see him? Did you see him?!" She asked excitedly from the other side. I realized there was another smell approaching the door.

I nodded to her question sending her a "Mhm."

It smelled so good. It was as if a breeze of fresh air leaving a sunken feeling in my chest. It was Damien. "I just wanted to stop by I lost you after I got a little distracted." I heard her giggle and a light slap. "Stop that." Kelly whispered to him. "I just wanted to say that I found my mate so our promise is fulfilled. I'll meet you in the dining hall for breakfast and tell you all about it." They shuffle away I could hear them kiss and Kelly's giggles disappear as the went farther away.

A shock left my body hitting the TV turning it on. I whimpered and fell to the floor my body turning back to wolf as if it hurt to still be human. I whimpered in pain holding my breath hoping the pain would stop.

Jake licked my cheek, "Rose come on. I know it is hard but this is only the first night. You need rest."

Tomorrow was beauty as was tonight. We would be evaluated in every meal and tests they gave us. It was a way to show who would be compatible but it was mostly up to the males.

My mother had worked the ceremony years previously. However, while a family member was there they couldn't judge.

"I don't know if I can, Jake. I mean I can. It doesn't bother me. They can fuck all they want. They are mates." My heart felt like it was squeezed imagining them together. Many images flashed but I shook my head. I did not wanna see THAT!

I felt a lick up my back leg. I looked back at Jake eyes wide. "Make you feel better if I gave you pleasure instead?" He nuzzled into my chest then licked my cheek winking.

I giggled at him. He was kidding. "You would think you were the hormonal teen and not me. You always know how to cheer me up, though." He chuckled nuzzling back into me to cuddle. He fell asleep and I smiled at how lucky I was to have him.

I stayed awake all night thinking about anything and everything and nothing all at the same time. Tears leaked from my eyes but they were now dry as I stared at the ceiling.

Light leaked from the window and a padded my way over seeing the sunrise. I went to my bag grabbing out my clothes before going to the bathroom. I took a quick shower.

I kissed Jack on the head before leaving out the door. I had to go get some breakfast.

"Rose!" I turned around. It was Kelly.

"Hi, hun." I could smell their smells mingling together. Her sent had grown to smell of also mint and evergreen mixing with her lemon and vanilla perfectly. They had had sex.

However, she wasn't marked. Which was good because technically nobody was supposed to mark til the event was over. Otherwise, they would have a bunch of horny males and females trying to mate in every corner more than what there already was.

Speaking of it, I saw two people making out in a little dark hallway. Wait a second, aww it's Luke. I could feel them. They were meant to be they were mates. He was mates with Andy. Her real name was Lauren but she didn't get along with her parents and she wanted to be called Andy.

However, their lust hit me super hard. My body shivered from their heat for the other. Now, of course it wasn't THE heat cause that happened in the spring and fall. You got that as soon as you were able to turn. We... Aren't going to talk about it right now.

Kelly started droning on about Damien. It hurt it did but I could help but smile at how much love and happiness she got from it. It overflowed from her like a babbling brook much like her mouth right now.

I smiled at her nodding every now and then. Until, I accidentally hit a wall. I wiggled my nose at the wall bringing my hand up to pat it. As Kelly giggled at me. I'm so darn clumsy "Sorry, wall. Next time I won't run into you. Since, I know where you are."

The words just fell outta my mouth my eyes still closed before patting the wall. Kelly's giggles increased as I patted it. The wall was... Warm? And my hand slid down it before opening my eyes as it also felt like a thin material was on it. My eyes met with a gray, cotton material my eyes wandering up a bit. Noticing that I hadn't hit a wall. "Nice to see you again too." The voice low and velvety to my ears.

My dark blue eyes met his light blue/purple eyes. The man from last night. The one who had saw me trip. Dammit, Rosella! I blushed as I felt I was looking to long and because I just called him a wall. I mean he looked great but... It was rude. He is a whole person not a wall.

He chuckled and I squeaked out a sorry rushing to the dinning hall grabbing some food. Feeling Kelly laughing and follow me to the same chair I had last night. Man, I really need to look at where I'm going. I thought I had fixed my clumsiness.

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