Chapter 6- Knew He Knew

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My mother had trained me for this. Well, not exactly on purpose but she taught me what I needed. Technically my father did too. The manners, the knowledge, and the communication skills test.

We would go through talking to a judge having lunch with them. I kept my elbows from being on the table.

I actively listened and responded to their needs as if I was hostess. Which, the first thing they say when you walk in is, "Make yourself at home."

This was never an invite to act laid back but instead... Enjoying the time as you took care of them as if they were your guest. You were to make everyone at the table feel as if they could be themselves.

My judge had only been there once before. She knew my mother and asked about my mom. Through our conversation a kept a friendly smile laughing at her jokes and asking questions back. I showed how I was listening and would ask to poor her more drink when almost gone.

We served each other  and made sure was both enjoyed our time together. She was stressed out but I could feel her mood lighten before the timer went off. When it hit the 8 minute mark the bell buzzed and I smiled gracefully moving out of the chair. "I had a lovely time, Mrs. Harris. Have a wonderful evening."

She stood up walking me out of the white tent. "As did I, Rose." She smiled returning to her chair standing til the next entered to be evaluated.

This part was easy and later tonight we would receive our skills out of 10 for beauty. I decided to go to the training gym. I hadn't practiced in a few days. There were a few wolves in there and I found my way to a punching bag.

Even if it was my birthday, I wanted to try and get out some emotions. The testosterone grew within the room as the men carried on. I didn't pay much attention. I just knew that I needed to get the negative emotions out.

"What did that punching bag do to you?" I turned to seeing Damien a few feet behind me watching as the bag floped around from the force. My heart leaped in his pressance but I mentally put it back in locking it in its place. He chuckled sending a slight shiver down my spine.

I bowed my head slightly in respect towards my future alpha. "Good afternoon. Just some practice." I smiled at him slightly my heart squeezing as I went back to the bag. The mate bond is never completely gone without both sides consent.

I didn't want him to know. I took one last punch before stepping away growing warm under his sexy gaze. I wiggled my nose biting my lip ignoring the thoughts of his body upon mine and mine on his.

I shook my head taking a breath before turning to him. I beamed at him even as scenes of the vivid scene of him and Kelly entered my mind. Dammit, Kelly! I yelled in my head.

"I could help." Damien offered moving closer to me. I shook my head my body just out of his reach. "You are friends with Kelly. A friend of hers is a friend of mine." He smiled at me. He hadn't changed. However, he obviously didn't remember me.

"Don't worry about it, sir." I bowed my head trying not to cry at his cluelessness. I was strong right?

"You're strong, princess." Jake answered. I smiled and looked back at Damien.

"Thank you, I appreciate the offer. I will just get ready for tonight." He nodded dismissing me. I turned on my heel going to my room Jake waiting at the door with my evening clothes ready for me.

I bent to his level. "The things you do for me. I love it." His tail wagged as he licked my cheek.

"May I join this time?" He asked innocently with his smirk.

I rolled my eyes at him batting his head away from my face. "And back to being a horny teen." He winked at me chuckling as he nudged me towards the bathroom.

"Just don't drown." He said returning to the TV his dishes laying around the room.

"Just don't leave the room dirty. I'm not your mum." I said pointing towards the mess he made. He nodded staring back at the TV. Ugh, who cares I might as well have been his mother.

I lay in the bath letting the hot shower water hit my skin. Damien didn't remember me.  My mind flashed with memories of his secret places that he showed me.

Those places had been visited since he had left as soon he was instructed to go. Tomorrow was strength and tonight I'd be fine. I just would actually stay at dinner this time.


I knew that the girl was Kelly's best friend but looking at her sent a shiver down my spine in a good way. She was fierce and the way she punched that bag made me feel as if my knees could buckle.

However, when I thought about Kelly. Mmmm. She was scrumptious. Her body would put my body into over drive. She completed me. There was just a small tug and pain in my heart.

When Kelly and I met eyes my heart leaped. It was like we were the only two people in the room. When we met in the middle, my heart was leaping out of my chest giving it to her but a part lingered.

I ignored it and asked her to dance. Then, in the middle of the night my heart ripped a little within my chest. I tried to shake the feeling but it stayed.

It didn't matter though because Kelly and I had made love. I was her first and I WOULD be her last and that is what excited me. Nothing else mattered as I longed to know more about her.

She would hang with her friend who seemed nice. I knew those eyes from somewhere but could never place them.

I had only been home for 2 weeks now. I was taking over the pack responsibilites slowly. My father told me to take a break to go to the ceremony.

I knew I knew those dark blue eyes and that tear in my heart lead me to follow her that night. I felt the pain and soon excused myself. As the girl left the room. I followed her and saw her stumble a little to the elevator. A watched as a wolf ran into the elevator after her.

I shrugged my shoulders not thinking much of it and returning to Kelly that night. I looked at Kelly she was unbelievable. She was gorgeous and her eyes held the love I had for her.

I just had one question for her right now. "You know, my love. I don't think you ever told me your friends name."

She giggled her laugh charging my soul making me smile. "Oh my goodness, I can't believe I haven't told you. Her name is Rosella." She smiled talking about how they met and the memories hit.

Rosella. Rosella was the one who had stole my little heart before I had to leave.

Rosella. Rosella was the one I had shared everything with.

Rosella. Rosella was the person I had left behind and never turned back.

The tear in my heart mended a little and I knew I had to talk to her.

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