Crazy Diamonds?

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"It's hard as iron!" A roar erupted in the midst of ultimates, everyone clearing the source to find Mondo Owada trying to force the giant door on the far wall open. Of course he couldn't open it, it looked like some kind of vault door, littered with heavy locks and other security tech. "It is iron." Said the woman with drills calmly, pointing out the obvious. Mondo turned, growling at her and taking a threatening step forward. Before any altercations could take place, everyone's attention was drawn towards kirigiri. "That is quite enough." She waited until everyones eyes were on her before continuing, fixing her gloves as she spoke. "We're going to split off to search different parts of the school. We will all meet back here once our areas are checked." Everyone listened, no complaints erupting. Yet. "I will assign you."


"We're not kids we can get into groups ourselves!"

"Who do you think we are?"

She didn't flinch at their complaints, her eyes unblinking and boring into theirs. Her stare quieted the room. Leon shifted, bringing his arms to a cross and one hand to his mouth to bite at his nails.

"This is for organization purposes." She looked around the room, hesitating before her next words. "You," Mondo. "You," Leon. "You," Kiyotaka. "You," Yasuhiro. "And you." Chihiro. "You are a group, you will search the far left wing, across from the classrooms." Before leon could say a word, he was interrupted by Mondo. "What? What the FUCK? First i wake up in a classroom in the middle of fucking no where in a school i didn't even damn wanna go to, second i get thrown around by that fuckin loud mouthed asshole-" "MONDO. LANGUAGE." Mondo thrashed his head towards Taka, lavender eyes flaming with anger. "SHUT THE FUCK UP. And now! You want me in a group with people I've never fuckin met, to do your god damn dirty work?!" With each venom filled word, leon flinched, watching in shocked silence.. What the fuck.. Kirigiri didn't seem phased, still holding that thoughtful pose she had before.

Before anyone could intervene on the outraged silence, Makoto of all people, slowly approached mondo. This caught both Leon and Yasuhiros attention. Did this guy have a death wish? "Makoto! Hey!" Leon whispered harshly, trying to stop Makoto before it was too late. But the small brunette persisted. "Uh.." Makoto mumbled, grabbing mondos attention. The taller man looked down at him, scowling in his face. "What?" He spat. ".. Maybe... just give it a shot? I mean... Ya never know. You may make some friends.. I-i dunno i wouldn't want to be alone and-" mondo turned his full body towards him, everyone watching the two men stare each other down, one much calmer than the other but still. "Are you tellin me what ta do?" He growled, sticking his face right into makotos, grabbing his hoodie front and jerking him forward. Makoto flinched, along with the rest of the room it felt like. "N-no i was just-"

"WHO DO YA THINK YOU ARE? MY FATHER? What authority does your tiny ass have over me, huh?! NONE. PLAIN AND SIMPLE." Makoto writhed in his grip, but was so small in comparison. He couldn't move. And everyone else was too shocked to do anything to help the poor guy. "L-look im sorry-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP! HOW DARE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU'RE IN ANY POSITION TO FUCK WITH ME? FUCK YOU!" And with those final two spurts of pure venom, Owada raised his fist, and lowered it like a mallet straight into the smaller mans face, causing him to immediately pass out, hanging limp in mondos grip as blood poured from his nose. With the punch, came a sickening crack, collective gasps and screams coming immediately afterwards. Mondo dropped Makoto to the floor, shaking out his hands and stepping away, chest rising and falling as he panted. Leon turned away from the scene, he had seen some nasty wounds on field. But he had never seen someones nose being broken so hard and by someone else. He gagged quietly, letting yasuhiro turn to check on Chihiro as he tried to collect himself.

From behind him he heard arguments sprouting, directed at mondo, directed at others for not knowing what to do, directed at themselves for not doing anything. Everyone was in a state of panic. And mondo just stood there, panting and trying to recover from his blind rage.

Once leon was ready, he finally turned, seeing people surrounding makoto, people using their clothing to support his head and clean his wound, two people in front of mondo, being Kiyotaka and Kirirgiri, and some people standing on the side... Just watching or comforting others. Leon gagged once more, looking for someway to distract him from the intense scene. "God i hate blood." He mumbled, running his hands through his hair to smooth it out, as if it helped smooth over his nausea too. "Hey you ok, dude?" Leon looked over to Yasu, who had turned from chi to him. Leon nodded slowly, straightening his white studded jacket. "Yeah just.. Blood doesn't sit well." He laughed nervously, avoiding eye contact. Yasuhiro laughed quietly, making leon hum in quiet disappointment. "A baseball star who doesn't like blood?" He thought for a second. "Can't say I've heard of it, but that just means you're the first!" Leon chuckled, looking back up at yasuhiro again. "How can one guy be so mad?" Leon questioned, in an attempt to change topics. Yasu shrugged. "Well it doesn't surprise me with who he is and all."

Leon cocked a brow. "Uh, who he is?" Leon asked. Yasu seemed shocked. "Dude... Daiya and Mondo? The Crazy Diamonds? Japan's most wanted degenerates? Ring a bell?" Leon shook his head, even more confused now. Even if Mondo was apart of that group, how did he manage to get into hopes peak? He didn't think such a high grade University would put their students in danger like that. "You sure that isn't a different mondo? Why would hopes peak allow him here anyways?"

It was Yasuhiros turn to be confused. "I- Well i don't know actually. But that has to be him! He has their signature jacket, i mean just look at the logo man." Leon turned, but mondo wasn't in a position to where Leon could see his jacket.. Instead he was looking right at them, glaring, as if he knew exactly who they were talking about. Leon gulped, slowly turning back around and looking at his taller companion. "Ya know what I'll just take your word for it."

Leon turned before yasuhiro could respond, kneeling in front of chihiro with a wide smile.

"How's the cube?" He asked, looking down at her hands twisting the red decorated box. She hummed. "Huh? Oh! This. Its good, thank you." She smiled, leaning her head back with a sign. "Hey.. What's up?" He questioned, switching from a kneel to sitting on his knees. He tried to look as if he was listening, which he really was, but he had a hard time looking like it. He often looked at his hands or into the 'void' when someone was talking. Honestly it helped him listen better. When he wasn't looking away he zoned out harder. However he wanted to give chi his full attention. He felt bad for the girl... She shrugged, looking into his blue eyes as hers watered. "I don't want to get hurt." He tilted his head, glancing at his feet for a moment.

He looked back up at her. "You won't. I promise. Me and Yasu have your back, we won't let you get hurt!" He gave a wide smile, offering a thumbs up and cheerful spirit. She sniffed, smiling sadly as she wiped her cheeks. "Ok.. Thank you Leon... Can i call you Leo?" Leon shifted. "Well my names already pretty short.. But uh yeah! I don't see why not!" He hummed. He was happy he was already making friends. He didn't know if he would see them after they got out, but outside of right now.. He really doesn't have many people. "You wanna g-"

"Hey hey." A sharp voice interrupted, standing between them and chihiro. Leon looked up, met with red ruby eyes. Kiyotaka. "Kirigiri sent me over here, along with..." He turned, as if making sure whoever kirigiri wanted him to bring was still there. Leon followed his gaze. The man behind him grumbled, lavender eyes burning into the people before him. "I'm not going no where damn." Mondo spat, finally breaking his intense stare and adjusting it to the floor. Taka turned back around with a wide smile, approving himself at his ability to keep Owada behind him. As if he was keeping an eye on a hostage. Leon sighed, crossing his arms and breathing through his nose. He couldn't say he wasn't scared. He was terrified. He was cramped in this room with 14 other people in an unfamiliar place, he couldn't remember how he got here or how he was going to get home, he didn't know anyone, or anything- He took a breath. He had to stop panicking. He had to breathe. He shook his head, giving kiyotaka a smile.

"Ok. What's the plan?"

Crystal Ball (Hagekureon Fanfic - Leon Kuwata X Yasuhiro Hagekure)Where stories live. Discover now