「Chapter 4」

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     KEL wakes up exhausted, Just standing up makes him feel like he's about to pass out. This is the first time he's woken up so early in years but honestly, it makes sense. These past few days, HERO has been acting really out of it, like that one time when he was missing for the whole day whilst KEL and his dad looked everywhere, it was almost like a black hole went and sucked him out of the earth. Well whatever was happening KEL wanted to help him, he is his brother after all, and he does care about him and what he's doing does not seem healthy in the slightest. KEL yanked himself out of bed quietly even though he hates waking up, especially this early in the morning but he wanted to be awake before HERO so he wouldn't have the chance of sneaking off again.

     KEL quietly changed and got ready before heading downstairs. KEL's tiredness started to cause him physical pain as he distressingly walked down the stairs. KEL had issues sleeping ever since HERO went missing for a whole day, it started with a small anxious feeling but then got worse with time. that whole day was a mess, KELS MOM and DAD had been arguing the whole day because they thought he ran away from them while KEL looked for him. His parents blamed it all on KEL as they usually do, and for a while, KEL believed it, what if he really was the reason his brother ran away, what if HERO was ashamed of being brothers with such a loser, his mind spiralled into hundreds if not thousands of "what if" scenarios. 

     He even tried to ask AUBREY and the hooligans for help but they didn't do anything but say mean things towards him, BASIL didn't go anywhere outside in the past few days and when KEL went to say hello and ask for help BASILS caretaker simply told KEL that "BASIL hasn't been feeling well" and shut the door on him.

     When HERO came back that night KEL watched as his parents came to him worried and upset and KEL was angry. He was angry that HERO could just leave for so long with no warning, he thought he.. well, KEL wanted to shout, to scream, to cry because of all  that happened. "how dare he?" "KEL thought, watching his parents cry with relief. He wasn't as good as HERO, and every day he was constantly reminded of how he will never be seen as an equal to HERO but that's not important right now because even though he can be overbearing at some times he's still KELS bother and KEL still loves him. Without further ado, KEL desultory rummaged through his belongings in the kitchen, pulling off one of the worst meals he's ever seen in his life and eating it while he waits for HERO.

     Even when things are hard, HERO has always found comfort in cooking things, something that he can have control over and getting something nice afterwards. KEL waited there for a hours, he sat on one of their chairs and just spaced out, his mind was blank, completely empty. 

     Eventually, after what felt like forever he heard some noises from the stairs and quickly snapped out of it.  He got out of the chair to see HERO walking into the room, With a quick glance KEL  knew something was up,  He had almost black eye bags under his eyes and walked very sluggish and tired, his eyes were filled with no life, almost like a toy doll. KEL tried to reason with HERO and asked what happened during those times he was gone and the answer shocked KEL to his core.

     He started blabbering about some nonsensical story about how he was with MARI even though she died. KEL was more scared than anything because if HERO was saying is true, that meant that for the past 2 days all HERO did was just talk to himself. His fear quickly spiralled into anger and even though KEL hated arguing or getting angry, he couldn't help it anymore, not after what HERO said. How dare he blame his problems on some make-believe scenario, I mean he cared about MARI so much and this is how he treated her now. he began to raise his voice while HERO, on the other hand, was trying to desperately explain what he did. KEL could see HERO with small tears dripping down as HERO tried to desperately explain his nonsense. KEL felt so horrible these past few days with SUNNY moving away and now HERO making up nonsense, he couldn't help but get angrier and angrier and eventually he broke. 

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