An Undying Urge. (6)

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You thought about it and came up with an answer, "I like you, I think." the last few words managed to come out just barely louder than a whisper. You meet his eyes to see his response.

(There's swearing and explicit detail regarding anxiety and panic attacks in this chapter. If you can't handle that or know that it may trigger you I advise you to skip to the next chapter.)


As soon as your eyes met his, his face was grim and malicious. His eyes had grown darker from the last you had seen them, they were as black as the night sky. He was staring at you directly. The hands that sat on your shoulders grew firm in grip. How he was feeling currently was abundantly clear. "You think you like me?" his expression grew even grimmer. You gulped.  "No, you're confused, aren't you Y/N? You need to say you love me." His voice was laced in malice. Yet, his voice almost broke at that very moment. He was fragile under all that power, he needed you. You were everything, he couldn't stand living without you.

You sat there, still as a rock. You couldn't move even if you wanted to, his grip was firm and held you in place. "Say it Y/N, I mean it." His expression was abnormally frightening, it was an expression you would fear for a long while. A shiver goes up your spine as you try to focus on your faint, shaky breath. Your vision is beginning to blur. "Tsukasa," You wince as his grip grows tighter around your shoulders. It hurt like a bitch. "I love you."

His head was facing down, you couldn't tell what he was feeling. You could only hope that what you told him was what he wanted to hear. His firm grip hadn't loosened, you feel your shoulders begin to ache from the pressure. He looked up at you, the air was less tense, it was lighter and happier, but the tension was still there. He seemed content, although you couldn't be sure. He wasn't smiling at you, only staring. Growing uncomfortable, you look away.

You're brought face to face with him once again when he guides your face over to look at him. He's much closer to you, almost on top of you. His hand gingerly caresses your cheek as he grows closer to your face. Then, his lips brush against yours. Your heart pounds as he leans into you. After the kiss, you knew he was satisfied, at ease and needier. "There, now your lips belong to me." Nothing of you belonged to him. But due to his cunning smile, he seemed to think otherwise. "If anybody ever touches you, they won't be able to take it back." You felt a shiver go down your spine, you didn't want to know the lengths he'd go to keep everybody but himself from touching you. Now that you thought about it, it was kind of perverted, but he likely didn't see it that way. He probably thought he was caring for you, just like how he thought stalking you was caring for you. This boy had some serious problems.

"Y/N, did you truly mean what you said?" He's blankly staring into your eyes, patiently waiting for your response, your truth. He hoped he wouldn't have to do anything rash, something that would hurt you. So, you thought carefully, steading your breathing while you were at it. After careful thought, you came to a final answer, your future. "Lying is no good, is it?" Tsukasa shook his head, "Then, yes. I mean it." he smiled widely and you smiled lightly in response.

He hugged you, for about the millionth time since you've known him, which was One. Singular. Fucking. Day. He made it seem like you've known each other for years, and that was terrible. But, you dropped the saltiness and let him do whatever the fuck he wanted.

His smile showed his delight as he hugged you, not wanting to let go. Ever. He was afraid that once you knew his undying urge of needing you, you would run away. It was unavoidable for him, he couldn't go a day without thinking about you at least once, he would be ashamed of himself if he hadn't. To him, you were perfect. To him, you were everything. You were so fascinating to him, he wanted to know so much more about you. He let go of you, wrapping one of your hands tightly in his own, being cautious not to hurt you this time.

By the time it had gotten dark, you had answered many of Tsukasa's dying questions. You were so lost in his questions that you hadn't even realized where the time had gone. You brought out your phone to check the time, the screen read '5:40 pm'. You sucked air between your teeth, hoping he would let you go. "Tsukasa, I need to go home." That sentence was enough to make him snap. He stared at you blankly, anger and confusion soon showed throughout his expression. Darkness had engulfed the remainder of his amber eyes.

"Why?" He felt himself growing more enraged, you couldn't leave him, not now. He wouldn't allow you. He needed you to be with him, you were his. His proprietary. You were to stay by his side at all times. "You can't leave. You need to be with me, where you're safe." He found a speck of satisfaction in your expression. You weren't questioning his words, but thinking about them. But that satisfaction soon passed when he noticed you looking unhappy. He wondered if it was something he did or said. He didn't think he did anything wrong, but you on the other hand. "Y/N, are you feeling okay? Are you ill? Do you need to lie down?" He bombarded you with questions, genuinely concerned. He reached out to you, but you stood up. "I'm fine, Tsukasa. Thank you." You held your head in agony and walked away from him. Tsukasa, now alone, clenched his fist tightly out of anger, frustration, loneliness, longing. What did he do to make you move away from him? Thoughts rushed his head on what he could have possibly done wrong.

You slumped against a wall furthest from him. You held your head in pain, it was an agonizing pain, it felt like a headache but much more insufferable. Your heart was hammering against your chest, you were becoming more aware of your rubatosis by the second. It felt as though your heart was going to rip out of your flesh in the blink of an eye. The increasing tinnitus that rung so irritably in your ears grew louder, muting any other noise around you. Your vision began to blur as your heart was pounding in your ears. You were terrified. You called out to Tsukasa, but of course, to your appeal, your vision faded and you were left slumped against the wall.

Tsukasa had heard you call out to him, so he, of course, calmed himself down and responded. When there was no answer, he began to panic. He looked around the room for you, he sighed when he found you slumped against a wall. He picked you up and laid you down on the couch, and sat next to you. "If you felt ill you could have told me, we could have hugged it out. Or I could have held you like this." He wrapped his arms around you, coddling you. He moved a stray hair out of your face. He kissed your cheek as he laid himself down along with you, he laid there for a while until he finally fell asleep, holding you close to him.


word total: 1296

yes, the words i used in this are actual words.

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