Rest Up. (7)

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You held your head in pain, it was agonizing, like a headache but much more insufferable. Your heart was pounding against your chest hard enough to feel as though it was about to burst from your flesh. The increasing tinnitus that rung in your ears grew louder. Your vision began to blur, and you were left in darkness.


When you opened your eyes, you were falling into a dark twisted abyss. It was disorienting, you honestly couldn't tell if you were asleep or awake, falling up or down. You could see light, but it was far away. You reached out towards it. The more you stretched your arm out towards the light, the closer it got. With hope building up inside of you, you continued to reach out to it. As you got closer, you saw a figure reach out for you. It was hard to grasp, but you managed. It urged you forward, and just like that you were consumed by the light.

You'd woken up from the draining abyss you were in, which seemed like it had lasted for days on end. You laid naive for a while, contemplating what had occurred before you found yourself in the darkness. When you did, a shiver went throughout your body. This had happened before, but you'd never passed out, neither had it been that insufferable before. You couldn't help but wonder what triggered you, or how it happened, but that was a concern for another day. For now, you had to concentrate on the boy rigorously holding you. You turned your body towards him and wrapped your arms around him, after adjusting you rest your head on his chest. You gingerly shut your eyes, letting yourself relish the moment.

You sighed lightly, the boy's chest was warm yet callously cold at the same time. The only way you could tell he was breathing was by being this close to him, you had assumed he hadn't needed to breathe for a long time now. But even apparitions need to breathe sometimes. You put a hand on his empty chest, almost feeling empathy for the boy. "Are you feeling better now?" You pulled your hand quickly away from his chest, you hadn't realized he had awoken. "Sorry, did I wake you?" he chuckled, it was lighthearted and warm, unlike other laughs you had heard. "I'd rather be with you when you're awake anyhow, so I don't mind." You tried to sit up, but Tsukasa wouldn't allow that. "No. Lay down for a little longer. You need it."

So, you stopped trying and laid back down. He tenderly stroked your hair. "Are you feeling better than before?" You were confused as to which 'before' he meant. "Before?" "When you fell asleep against the wall." Right, that happened. "Kind of." You looked up at him, he noticed and smiled at you. "Good." There was a brief moment of silence. "Y/N, let's play something." You raised a brow "Play something like what?" He sat up, taking you with him, which made you have a headrush, almost brushing you off your feet. "Something like hide and seek!" His tone was cheerful, he took your hands in his. "Do you want to play hide and seek, Y/N?"

You thought about it. Hide and seek with an obsessive, murderous apparition who's been stalking you since you came to this school probably wasn't the best idea. You shook your head. "Not today Tsukasa." In a quick motion, he had grabbed onto your wrist. He stared up at you, his eyes were dark. You took your wrist out of his grip, backing up in fear. " I should get going, it's almost time for school." You walked out the door without giving it a second thought. Tsukasa didn't try to stop you, he didn't follow you either.

Despite him not following you, you rushed through the busy halls, trying to find a place to hide out until the bell rang. You found a small space beside a locker and leaned back, sighing. When the bell rang you rushed into your class, knowing he wasn't able to interfere in there, at least not physically. In the middle of class, you noticed something from the corner of your eye, sitting behind you was Yashiro, and someone who looked unnervingly identical to Tsukasa.


word total: 718

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