Hiding Away. (12)

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"Yeah. It'll be okay." You smile gently, tears falling. You hear footsteps approach and stop behind you and Hanako, along with a familiar voice. "Y/N?" 


You sit up quickly and back away from the shadowed interloper, preparing to jump out the window of the girl's washroom if you had to. They step into the light. "What are you doing here?" A worried Yashiro stands in front of the both of you. Hanako blinks at her before poking at her head. "I should be asking you that question, didn't you see all the 'crime scene' tape around the entrance of the school, hm?" She brushes Hanako's finger away from her face. "I saw the murders on TV and I thought something supernatural might be going on so I snuck in through the back. The door was wide open too!" Hanako looks towards you and you feel sweat build up on your neck. "You didn't say anything about murders." You rub the back of your neck. "Well..." He rubs at the bridge of his nose with his fingers. 

"Sorry, what's going on?" Nene pipes in, looking extremely confused. Hanako peaks his head outside the girls bathroom. A concerned look crosses Yashiro's face as she reaches her hand towards him. "Hanako, what's going on?" She repeats, Hanako just shakes his head, turning around and grabbing her shoulders. "You need to get out of here, Yashiro." She stares at him dead in the eyes."It's not safe." He softens his grip. "Please Yashiro, just trust me on this and save yourself." She turns her head to glance at you, looking for more confirmation whether or not she should leave. You nod and she sighs. "Fine, but as soon as whatever's going on is over, you guys have to tell me everything!" She slips past Hanako and dashes down the hall out of your view. You sigh and slump down, "I'm fucked." you cross your arms over your knees and curl in. "Whether I like it or not, Tsukasa's going to get his way. He's stubborn and he wants me of all people." 

You feel tears prod at your eyes, "What the hell did I get myself into." You hear him sigh and walk closer, sitting down beside you. Tilting your head from your arms, you look at him. He sits the same way, looking at you gently. "You know, he was protective of me when we were kids. He always wanted to be by my side, especially one time when I'd gotten deathly ill. But, one day... he stopped being protective in a... caring way." He looked away,  furrowing his eyebrows. "As we grew up, he continued being protective, but not like before. He would hurt people." He goes silent for a moment, "Sometimes he would even hurt me. Whether it was physical or emotional doesn't matter, he'd hurt me in some way." he looks back at you for a moment and smiles before turning away. "Thankfully that happened very few times." Another moment of silence passes by. "He was a caring person once... I don't know why or how, but he changed." 

His eyes go dull. "One time, I got scared when he hurt me and pulled out a knife." You take in everything he says, listening intently. "I pushed him to the ground after he tried to grab it from me and crawled on top of him, holding it over my head. But, he did something I didn't expect... he smiled. 'Do it.' he said. 'If this'll make you happy then do it. I love you, Amane.' He grabbed my arms and pulled the knife closer to his chest." He started to tear up. "So I brought it down and..." You watch as the tears fall down his cheeks, burning up. "I was too scared of him." He shoves his head into his arms. You put a hand on his back. "So we're both hiding from him then." You both sit there in silence before you sigh. "You don't need to be scared of him anymore." You stand up and hold out your hand. "We'll protect each other." He looks up at you, stares for a moment and then chuckles softly, reaching up and taking your hand. "Yeah," You lift him up. "we'll protect each other from our fears." You hear footsteps from a distance and head towards the door, peeking out. What you saw was the last thing you had expected from the footsteps coming down the hall.


word total: 746

20/11/2022: the next chapter is already in the planning stage, i'll try to have it out in the span of two days or a few weeks at the most. i also apologize for taking so long to write this chapter, i didn't have a lot of motivation to continue the story and a lot of things have been going on in my life that has made it hard to remember to continue this fanfic. i've been very busy, but i can at least promise to try and write an ending for this, whether it takes me a while or not.

p.s. i hope you're having a lovely night/day <3

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