♡ Chapter 10 ♡

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I heard a muffled yelling. "Y/N!"

I sat up immediately and rubbed my eyes "What?" I groaned lowly, I officially opened my eyes and saw Charlie sitting with wrapping paper around him. Except we were back at the house, suddenly my memories came back to me, up until the moment when we were leaning in. The thought of it made me blush.

"Come on open your presents" Charlie demanded me to gesturing the ones still behind him. I got up from the couch from where I appeared and then it struck me, "How'd I end up here? I thought we were in the North Pole" I frowned "What was I thinking? That whole thing from the mall has me messed up" I tried my best to try to find an explanation of what happened. I went over to a box, it had cheery wrapping paper. I brought the box to my ear and shook it, I heard whatever inside shake a bit. When I opened it, it was nothing exciting just a journal with a bunch of pages. It wasn't completely useless though, I could probably draw in it. Next was one with white wrapping paper, it was slightly smaller and more rectangular. It was a box of glow in the dark stars, I smiled.

Finally at the back of the tree there was a box with bright red wrapping paper. I struggled to reach it but when it did, the red looked deeper more of a burgundy and shiny in the light. The box had a fancy bow on top of it with a vibrant green ribbon and small individual pieces of silver and gold tinsel here and there. "Who do you think got this for me?" I looked over to Charlie and he scooted closer in. Then he pointed to the side of the box. "Until we meet again. - B" I read aloud. I expressed a perplexed look. I got up and went to the kitchen "Any idea who 'B' is?" I asked Charlie looking for some scissors in the drawers. I found one and came back setting the gift in my lap. Taking the scissors to the bow I cut, "Bernard of course" Charlie replied quickly, sounding a little sass. I opened the box, there was my Walkman. At least I thought it was. It was refurbished looking since the chipped off blue paint was repainted with my (F/C). "Bernard who?.. Remind me who that is" I took the Walkman out of the box and put the headphones on. I tried playing the cassette in it and it worked to my surprise, the sounds were going through. "Bernard the elf! Remember? The North Pole? We went there last night!" Charlie exclaimed. I beamed, that meant that Bernard and I really...

"I'm gonna go wake up Dad" Charlie said and ran up the stairs. I watched him go and then I out my fingers to my lips, as if to try to feel- to try to experience it. I wanted to feel it because I hadn't before. I blacked out and that was what had me slightly frustrated. This I knew for sure though, I definitely had a crush on Bernard. It was an undeniable fact. But, needless to say I set my hand down again for I had not felt anything, not a spark of remembrance. It was as if, it never even happened. But again I didn't even have magic, not like any of the elves or anything so I don't know what was I hoping to accomplish. I went to the bathroom and changed. But I sat on the floor for a few minutes. I didn't want to go. I didn't want to leave the one person with a connection to all that mysterious happiness I felt. I didn't laugh a lot not like I did at the North Pole. Especially when I was with Bernard in the night. Right before the kitchen, right before the leaning, when I saw him in his office with that sincere look. I remembered my Walkman, it was proof that it all happened. It would be the remembrance I would need for the time when I wasn't with them. With the elves. With him. I knew now that I needed to see them again. I wanted Bernard, I wanted to see him but at the same time I didn't. The overthinking problem I had usually got the best of me but not like this. "Why am I so anxious at the thought of seeing someone again?" Maybe because he made me feel wanted. Over here though, I felt less important. I had no friends. I was always taking care of Charlie. I felt like everyone paid attention to him all of the time. I felt like I was listened to when I was with Bernard as strange as that sounds.

Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening and closing quickly caught my attention. I assumed it was my mother who had come early and I came out, I looked to the front door after scurrying downstairs. No one, other than Charlie who was gathering his things on the couch I had slept on. "Where's Dad?" I asked Charlie.

"He ran outside, I don't know why"

I went outside to see Dad looking everywhere for something, he looked back on the roof. I seemed like he didn't notice me. "What're you looking for Dad?" I was puzzled. Maybe he was looking for the reindeer. "If you're wondering, yes Santa Claus exists, he fell off our roof, and yes we went to the North Pole via reindeer pulled sleigh" I smiled when he looked at me. Perhaps he didn't want to believe it. He wanted to think that he got the sleepwear elsewhere and that it was all a dream. He walked past me and into the house, I frowned. Why'd he ignore me? I followed him back and just when I was about to close the door behind myself, a car pulled up. It was Mom and Neil, "I don't want to go back..."

I put on a fake smile and went over to hug my mom. I didn't want to tell her that I wanted to stay with Dad and stay here for a few more days. It would've been a chance to see the North Pole again, Bernard too of course.

"Ready to get out of here?"

Author's Note~


Anyways I apologize if my chapters seem a bit rushed until the weekend because of the weekends (most of the time) I have nothing to do. I really have been writing this since a 3 hours ago because a whole lot of distractions. Sorry sorry guys, :(

♡Christmas Gift♡ - Bernard x Y/N (Gender neutral)Where stories live. Discover now