Born to be Warrior || Chapter 2

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"Memories are the priceless treasures of the heart"


Claire's POV:

"And now, we'll see what you've-"

"Excuse me sir."  God, this is so not good. I'm late and out of every classes that I could have just skipped, it is English. Mr. McCallister would literally put me in a coffin and bury me alive if I ever happened to miss a class.

"Huh? Oh- Its you Claire. I never thought I'd see you coming to class late. Guess I was wrong." 

Ouch! Damn. That. Hit. Hard. 

"I apologize sir. But unfortunately I left the due paper in my locker. I had to grab it at the last minute. That is why I'm late." 

"Paper? I don't remember- Oh. The one is which I asked you to write about your favorite mythical creature other than dragons?"

I nodded my head, confirming his theory. Poor guys, the classmates of mine, I mean. It's just that I might or might not have heard them talking, more like yelling, that no one should inform the teacher about the paper that was due. I let them off the hook yesterday but.. Oh well.. Not my problem. I sent an apologetic smile to Thomas, the only friend of mine, to which he replied with a grin. That cheeky bast- HE SAID HE DID NOT DO THE PAPER YESTERDAY! THE AUDACITY OF THE IDIOT TO LIE TO ME! He'll get what he deserves. Heh.. I wasn't known for my punches for being weak you know. He. is. dead.

"Right! Come on, in Claire. Submit your paper and take your seat but try not to be late. You were never the person to be late for the class."

"I'm sorry sir. And I will not be late to classes hereafter." I casually replied, giving him the paper and strolling down to the seat next to Thomas. 

I settled down but not before shooting a glare at him. He silently raised both his hands in submission. He had did his homework yesterday.  Slowpoke. Why can't he be punctual like the someone who is sitting next to him, put the whole class in trouble, smirking internally and maintaining a poker face outside while receiving glares from all her classmates? I don't know 

"Come on class. Submit your papers." 

Oh my dear teacher, you have no idea of how irresponsible and idiotic your students are. Thomas happily passed my desk, submitted the paper to the teacher and returned and sat at his desk after shooting me a close eyed smile. 

"Hm..? That's it?  What about the others?" Gosh they are so dead. 

"Incomplete I believe..?" You read my mind sir

"Huh. Fine. Let Claire read her paper. Thomas is off the hook, obviously. Others.. Detention." Wow. Never thought I'd see a day when Mr. McCallister would give detention.

"Go on Claire." I walked and grabbed the sheet of paper and started reading it aloud to the class.

" My favorite is the flame-related bird, Phoenix. It is usually depicted as a huge bird known for bursting into flames at the end of their lives, only to emerge from the ashes again. Its associated with the sun whose colors are present in it's gorgeous orange and red feathers. Phoenix is my personal favorite for it symbolizes immortality, eternity, resurrection and, most important of all, resilience. It's never-giving-up spirit inspires me to keep going toward my destination, no matter the obstacle." 

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