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"Why do I have to wear these stupid heavy things?" Naruto tried to wave his arm but the weight was too heavy for him. He even struggles to point his finger at Kakashi's face.

"They're wrist weights, you idiot. Just like the ankle weights, we need to put on but they go on your wrist." Naruto's body shifts to see Sasuke lift his hands with ease.

"I knew what they were! My question is why is it way heavier than yours and Sakura's." Naruto complained as he lowered his body to sit on the ground.

"Let me ask you, do you think I just watch you kids slave away all day without collecting important information on you three?" Kakashi hummed.

"Yes," Sasuke answered flatly. "All you do is read your weird book."

"You mean the biggest masterpiece in the world and no." Kakashi reached into his side pouch and pulled out a notepad. "I have collected data on each of you from how much you can lift without effort to chakra output." He looked up from his notepad to see Naruto making a stink face.

Sasuke snapped his fingers like a light bulb went off in his head. "You gave us weights based on what we can handle."

"You are correct." Kakashi made his way to Sakura, placing his hand on her shoulder. "The only thing that isn't correct on who has the heaviest weights on. It isn't you Naruto, it's Sakura." Naruto's head swung to look at the two.

"You say what now?" Naruto's eyes narrowed in doubt as he made his way to Sakura. "There is no fucking way."

Sakura stood mildly shocked while she stared at her teacher's smiling face. It took her a second to shake her head in disbelief. "I have to agree with Naruto. There is no fucking way." Naruto pulled Sakura's hand into his, undoing the velcro of the weight while he used his other hand to carry it. Naruto expected it to be light but it instead was so heavy it squished his hand to the ground. Mortified by the realization that Kakashi was not lying, he yelped in pain.

"What the fuck!?" Naruto struggled to lift his arm. Sasuke had come to his aid thinking that the blonde-headed idiot was lying but he was stunted. He couldn't lift it as well.

"Sakura is a very talented person and maybe a prodigy. She is a master of charka control and uses it naturally without even realizing it." Kakashi paused for a few moments to watch Sakura loft the weight up with ease. "She does it instinctively that most Jonin and ANBU wished they could do. Sakura has mastered it by her again. Although, even if she is a master at it. She lacks in a lot of other categories. Especially, when it comes to her small charka pool."

"The only way to fix that is by training one's physical body and mental strength," Sakura mumbled to herself but they still could hear her.

"That's correct. I was picked to be your teacher because you three have great potential for being the best. I will help you with that." Kakashi smiled down at the three. He could see a new fire in their eyes. "Alright, the first task of the day, 10 laps around the village. A whole round trip is the village's main gate. If any of you fail to finish before the first light of dawn. You will get an extra ten laps as a group."

"As a group? That isn't fair!" Naruto proclaimed out loud.

"A team who succeeds together has failed together." Kakashi was fond of the quote since his father would always preach it to him back when he was in his genin days. It helped him get through it since he was teamed up with another Uchiha. "Don't worry that includes me but I'll be fine doing two or twenty since this is something I do in my free time."

"Why the hell would you do this during your free time?" Sasuke questioned him but instead of answering, Kakashi shivered at the thought of dark green.

"Never mind that. We start now." Kakashi sprinted away without another word. Baffled by Kakashi's head start, Naruto fumbled on his first few steps before running after him. Sasuke and Sakura made eye contact like they wanted to say something to each other but Sakura sprinted off without anyone's word with Sasuke following right behind her.

Halfway through their laps, the team had already begun to slow down while Kakashi remained at the same pace he began with beginning two laps already ahead of them. Naruto came to a halt at six laps by the village gate to catch his breath. His heart pounded while his lungs felt like they were on fire.

"Naruto? What are you doing out here so early?" Asuma called out to him as he approached his team, who were ready for their upcoming mission. Asuma glanced over his body, sweat was running down his blue-eyed boy's body. Noticed that his orange jacket had probably ditched somewhere since he wore nothing but a fish knitting top.

"We are out here training this morning...feels more like a punishment if you ask me." Naruto exhaled deeply, he noticed a grey-haired old man standing behind him. "Where you guys going with that old man?"

"Unlike you, we have a C-rank mission outside the village, it's going to be a whole month of us gone," Ino smirked as she watched Naruto frown at the news.

"What's going on?" Sakura asked. Team Ten was bewildered by Sakura's current state. She had ripped off the end of her slit dress to resemble a regular shirt and then recognized that the ripped piece was made into a hairband to put her hair up into a ponytail.

"They're going on a mission outside the village," Naruto said like he had something bad in his mouth.

"That could have been us," Sakura said nothing else and started sprinting away again.

Naruto was about to put his two cents in but Kakashi passing him up caught his attention. "I am three laps ahead of you now. You better hurry. The sun is going to be up in another hour." Naruto's oh shit' face gapped open, he started to run after him in fear. In the distance,  team ten could hear Naruto scream in pain about a leg cramp.

"Looks like Kakashi is training them hard." Asuma laughed nervously. "Let's begin the mission shall we."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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