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Lively voices filled the classroom as many kids were grouped up talking about whatever was on their minds. Though there was a certain group that couldn't stop staring down at a certain pinkette who sat in front of the class. One of the girls giggled, "I can't believe she finished top of the class."

Another girl chimed in, "Tsk, well she has to focus on something else since her looks aren't going to get her anywhere." Classmates chuckled in unison as they watched Sakura shift around uncomfortably.

A blonde head boy just a few seats away from them turned his head and glared at the group of girls. He leaned towards them with a little hum leaving his mouth before he spoke out, "Can you just shut up? You guys are being loud and I'm trying to gather all my thoughts together. Unlike you brainless apes, who I might add that is going to stay genin for the rest of your life because of how useless you have been during this whole time during our academy years. You guys barely passed the last test with the skin of your teeth."

The group of girls gasped at his words but Naruto turned away and favored continuing his conversation with Shikamaru. "So as I was saying, this would be a perfect opportunity for me to start my career as a chief."

"You can't be chief if you are a ninja." Shikamaru was deadpan as he laid his head back down and closed his eyes without hearing his friend's response.

Irritated with his response, Naruto smacked Shikamaru's head hard enough to make him jerk in response. "Uh, yes I can. The plan is when I become stronger, I will dedicate the rest of my years as a traveling chief. Become famous for what I do but on the side, I would be a notorious assassin. It's going to be my unique thing."

"Right." Naruto frowned at the voice. "That's coming from the boy that has his mom cook him everything," Sasuke stated as he watches the horrified expression on his face. "Don't you eat ramen like every day during lunch too? It's a letdown, to be honest." He could feel the intense looks that the boy was giving him, he could only smirk.

"Oh, you wanna go there!" Naruto raised his voice to get others to pay attention to him. He pointed his finger into Sasuke's chest. "What about you always being so far up your brother Itachi's ass?" Naruto looked smug at the not very impressed Uchiha. "
What was it that he told you yesterday? Oh yeah. He said Sasuke needed more training since all he does was try to hang out with him 24/7. Poor Itachi. He is an ANBU but he has to babysit you."

Sasuke could feel his cheeks redden from embarrassment as he could hear the class giggle at him. "Shut up you idiot! He didn't say anything like that!"

"Well if it isn't then why are you getting so red like those tomatoes you are always eating!" Naruto grinned as the Uchiha glared at him.

"That's because I'm pissed you are spreading stupid lies because you are an idiot."

"Oh yeah. I'm going to show you what an idiot looks like after I'm done with you!" Naruto stood up and rolled up his sleeves to show his small muscles.

"Naruto and Sasuke! Sit down and pay attention." Iruka raised a clipboard in the air to get the attention of the other students. Naruto stared down Sasuke before shifting his attention to their teacher. "Well students, the time has come for us to go over your team assignments. These are the people you will be working with during your genin years."

Iruka snapped his fingers, signaling for someone to come in. He began to list students' names that belonged to their new teacher. Some students booed or made a sigh of relief as they heard their names. Sakura rolled a pencil between her fingers as she watched people walk down to their respected teacher and leave as another was ushered in. Her mind was filled with doubts and fears about what was to come for her. She couldn't help but tap her fingers on the desk while she was lost in thought.

Sakura jumped slightly by Naruto's loud accusation. "You want me to be in a time with this egotistical asshole!"

"Naruto watch your mouth. These teams were handpicked and decided by the Hokage. So if you have anything to say, maybe you can talk to your dad about it." Iruka smiled as he watched Naturos face make a frown. He sat back down without another word. "Alright, I wish that your journey won't be hard for you guys." Irulae began to gather his things but Sakura stared at them confused.

Sakura raised her hand but didn't wait for a response. "Excuse me, Iruka. You didn't say who I was going to be with."

"I did say it, team 7. Your new teacher's name is Kakashi, who will be coming in late. That's why you were the last team announced."

"Who is in team 7?" Iruka stopped in his tracks and looked at the questioning girl. He made a small chuckle before answering.

"Oh. Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha." He stated. Iruka waved a farewell as he exited the classroom.

Sakura lowered her hand, eyes slowly making their way to both Sasuke and Naruto who stared back at her. She could feel her lips getting dry while the palm of her hand felt sweaty. It wasn't like she hated the two but she wished deep down she wasn't involved with the two most well-known people in her village.

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