Flaws and All

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Title: Re: She Can't Love You

Post by: ART on June 14, 2007, 01:44:37 AM


I gotta nice long update for y'all tonight and expect them everyday because school is officailly out.

Flaws and All

"You ready Bee", Jay asked as we arrived at the venue where the party was being held. "Let's go get em", I said as the driver opened the door. Jay got out first and the paparazzi started tripping. "Jay-Z who's in the car", "Jay-Z who you with", they were yelling to him. He laughed and reached into the car grabbing my hand helping me out.

"Beyonce, over here", they started yelling to me. "Are the two of you back together? Jay-Z, Beyonce", was all I heard as they began to snap pictures. We walked onto the carpet, and posed for pictures, and Jay actually smiled. As we made our way inside all eyes were on us. I glanced over the room, and it was like the whole industry was there.

"Jay, what's up man", I heard a familiar voice call behind us. "What's up man", Jay said, dapping him. I stood there and smiled waiting for him to say something to me. "I know this ain't Beyonce on your arm, I knew it was just a matter of time",he said, hugging me. "Did you miss me Ty '', I asked, pulling back from the hug. "Yeah, my boy was nothing without you", Ty said to me as Bleek approached.

"Man not her again", he said to Jay, referring to me. "Bleek shut up. I don't like you either", I said, hitting him in his chest. "Nah I'm just playing, glad to see he was able to get you back", he said, hugging me. We all walked together further into the venue and the faces became more familiar.

"Jay-Z we need to talk business", some guy called out to Jay from across the room. "Who is that babe"I asked, eyeing the guy. "I don't know, I need you to figure it out", he told me. It was like that all the time whenever he forgot someone's name he would have me ask them so he wouldn't have to. I nodded as we continued to walk arm and arm.

"What's up man", the guy finally approached, shaking Jay's hand. "Um, I don't think we've met, I'm Beyonce", I said, extending my hand. "You don't remember me", he said, squinting. "I'm Manny Keyshia Cole's manager. We met at a party a while back". "Oh, I'm sorry your name slipped my mind", I said, winking at Jay. "What's up man", Jay asked.

"Bee, girl I thought that was you", Tyra said stopping in front of me. "Hey girl", I said, coming out of Jay's grip and hugging her. "When did this happen?", she asked, motioning towards Jay. I gave her a look like I'll tell you later and she nodded. "Baby, I'll catch you later", I said turning to Jay, interrupting his conversation. "Aight don't go too far", he said as he leaned in and kissed my lips.

"Come on girl", Tyra said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the area of the party where all the ladies were. Monica, Keyshia Cole, and Fantasia were all saying how hot it would be to have all of us on a track together. That would be kinda hot. Tyra disappeared on me, I thought as I looked around. I continued to talk amongst my peers until I heard some loud mouth calling my name.

"BEE", she said practically jumping on me. "Kimora I'm happy to see you too girl", I said, taken back by her actions. "You look beautiful but something's different. You're a glowing girl", she said looking at me trying to figure something out. "Maybe, it's because she got her man back", Tyra said as the three of us stood together in a circle-like manner.

Kimora and Tyra were really cool, I liked their company though we don't really see each other a lot. We went shopping a few times, and we go out to eat and talk every now and again. "I just can't get over the way you are wearing that dress", Kimora said to me. "You're wearing yours too girl", I said to her. Just then Jay came up behind me grabbing my waist. "What y'all talking about", he asked, resting his chin at the top of my head.

"Bee was just telling us how fine that guy over there was", Tyra said pointing at some random guy. "Yeah, aight Bee wasn't talking about no guy unless it was me", Jay said, being his cocky-erstwhile-self. "You right baby, I wasn't", I said as he turned me around in his arms. "I know I was right", he said, kissing my forehead. "I'm gonna go find my fellas".

He started to leave but turned around and addressed Tyra and Kimora, "Y'all best not get her drunk either". I laughed as he disappeared into the crowd of people. "That is too cute", Kimora said. "What", I asked looking at him. "The way y'all sprung off each other", Tyra said finishing Kimora's sentence.

She stopped a guy walking around with a tray of glasses of wine and passed one to Kimora and I. "Let's make a toast", she said, taking one for herself. "To Jay, and Bee for finding their one true love again", Kimora said, making me blush. We clapped glasses as her and Tyra began to drink. I saw another guy with wine and I placed mines on his tray as he passed. We caught up a little while longer and I told them how Jay and I reunited.

"I'm going to go find Jay and make sure he's behaving", I said, leaving them in each other's company. I saw him sitting in a lounge with Ty, Bleek, Ty's girlfriend and Bleek's date. I walked up behind where he was sitting and rubbed my hands over his chest, and kissed his cheek. "What's up baby", he said, taking my arm and leading me to the front of him pulling me to sit on his lap. I had no idea why we were being so affectionate tonight but I loved it.

"Why are you always just popping up out of nowhere, looking all scary", Bleek said looking at me. "Why are you always picking on me?"I said, rolling my eyes at him. "Because I want you. On the real I would do some things to you", he said, blowing me kisses. "Ew, Jay you betta do something about him", I said nestling my face onto Jay's chest trying to hide from his stupid self. "Yo, Bleek you know you better leave my baby alone before you get it", Jay said.

"I don't want her, I was joking", Bleek said laughing. "You know if you ever try it I'd kill you man", Jay said playfully but serious. "I don't want her, I'd have to kill her first because of her mouth man. She don't listen, my girl gonna do what I say the first time I say it, no questions asked", Bleek said.

"I'll be back, I gotta pee", I whispered to Jay getting up. He lightly smacked my butt as I started to walk away. I went and did my business, and checked myself out before I started to walk back to Jay. And I couldn't believe my eyes when I finally got there.

Jay's POV

I felt someone come up behind me and kiss my cheek, thinking it was Bee I turned around to accept her. To my surprise it wasn't, but instead I came face to face with Carmen, a bitch from my past, or Miss Anonymous as Bee would call her. "Yo man get the fuck away from me. I told you it wasn't popping like that the last time I saw you", I said pushing her away. I looked past her and saw Bee looking at me like she just caught me cheating.

"Yo Jay man you better go handle that", Ty said as Bee ran out and towards the bathroom area. I followed her and saw her sauntering the long hallway with one arm folded across her chest and the other holding her chin. "Bee baby come here", I said as I approached and tried to grab her. "I'm ready to go", she said, voice cold as ice as she snatched away from me.

"Don't start tripping. We just made up", I said, stepping to her so we were face to face. "Just leave me alone, I'm ready to go", she said in the same tone. "Listen", I said in a soft, sweet voice. I took a hold of her wrist and she started tripping. "Get off me, Let me go", she said angrily. "You gonna calm down?" I asked, still holding her. "Let me go, Get off me Jay, I'm not playing", she said, projecting her voice loudly.

"Bee stop before you cause a scene", I said looking around. Thankfully we were all alone. "I really don't care if I cause a scene but you better let me go",she said trying to snatch away from me, which only made me hold her wrist tighter. "Stop being so damn difficult and just have a conversation with me. You must've had too much to drink or something", I said to her finally letting her go.

Before I knew it I felt her hand smack across my face 4 maybe 5 times. "You wanna talk, how's that for a conversation, and for your information I haven't had a drink all night", she said looking at me. "I said I'm leaving and I'm gone", she said walking away and towards the front exit. "I can't stand this girl anymore", I said out loud as I looked around knowing somehow this was going to be in everybody's mouth tomorrow. I walked outside and got into our waiting car without saying a word to her.

She Can't Love You by: ARTWhere stories live. Discover now