The Run

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Beth's POV//
Daddy wrote us a list of what we needed to get from the college. I'm so nervous, I haven't been off the farm since this whole thing started, I haven't even killed a walker yet! That's what Rick and his group calls them.

"We better head out now, Carl needs that medical stuff. If you're still up for it?" Daryl said behind me.
"Yeah sure. Let me just say goodbye to Daddy." I say.

"I'm going out with Daryl now Daddy." I say through the door of Carl's room.
"Okay Bethy. Stay safe baby."
"I will Daddy."

As we head out of the house Maggie comes running out of the house and gives me a tight hug.
"I love you Beth. Please stay safe, and you Daryl."
"We will, don't worry, we'll be back before you know it." Daryl reassures her. I give a faint smile and get in the passenger seat of the truck.

"We'll be fine Beth."
"I sure hope so."

As we near the college, I see more and more walkers and I just get more nervous.

"You don't have to kill any. Just follow me and stay close, I'll protect you."
I nod and look around. There doesn't seem to be many walkers than there were back down the road.

"You ready?" I ask.
"Born ready." He says and gets out the truck.

I follow and we stay low and quiet. Daryl takes out a few walkers with his knife, but I don't dare kill any.

"C'mon, entrance is just up here." He sounds confident and strong, not the gentle tone he used with me in the car.
We head up towards the entrance and gestures me to stay by the door. I look around and see a walker headed towards me.

"There's a walker, coming toward me...!"
"Kill it! Quick, use your knife!"
"Huh? No I can't, I don't want to!"
"Beth you have to!"

I near the walker, and take my knife. I close my eyes and stab the walker in the side of its skull. I take a few deep breaths and head back to the entrance of the school.

"You killed it?" Daryl says and I nod.
"Looks like it's safe in here now." I say shaking as I walk in.
"Yeah. We can never be too safe though. Keep your knife out." He says as I walk to the cabinet and start to put what we need into my backpack.

A few minutes later we have what we need. We head towards the way we came in but there are a herd of walkers banging on the door.
"Beth! Get your shit! We have to find another exit!" Daryl shouts and I follow the direction of his voice.

I meet up with Daryl and we run through the school.
"I used to go here. There's a fire exit down this corridor!" I say quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh my gosh!"

//Authors notes// oooooh! Cliff hanger! I'll update very soon ;)💀❤️

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