Chapter 36

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I had been working hard for Louis' gift for the past few days, including during work. Which was right now.

I haven't spoken to Louis in a little while, mainly because I don't want to risk spoiling the surprise I had planned.

I managed to get in contact with Louis' close friend, Sam, and he really liked my idea - like, a lot. He said something about how Louis needed to hang out with more people, so he was gonna help me pull it off.

But right now, I needed to focus on making his gift in time.

My full attention was on the small gift currently in my hands as I sat in the stand, hiding the present whenever there was a customer getting close.

I was about four hours into my shift, and I was only halfway done with the gift. My head fell onto the table with a groan. This was taking forever. Who knew it took so long to make a gift for somebody.

And the card! I still needed to make a card! There was so much left to do.

Footsteps coming towards the stand interrupted my pity party.

I lifted my head off the table and slid the gift under some newspapers.

"Hello, how can I help you today?" I sighed, putting a smile on my face as I looked up at the person.

"Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me where my girlfriend is?" I looked at the person more closely and I let out a grin.

"I might be able to help with that." I laughed, standing up to give Louis a hug.

He smiled at me. "Oh, look, there she is! Hello, angel. How has your day been?"

I wrapped my arms around his waist and smiled up at him. "Until I saw you - boring. What about yours?"

He leaned down and gave me a quick peck. "Magnificent now." He pulled me closer to his chest and put his chin on my head. "I missed you. I haven't seen you in days."

I couldn't help feeling a tad guilty at the sadness in Louis' voice. "I'm sorry, Lou. I've been busy."

Louis rocked on his heels while we hugged. "I'm sorry too, I should've come by earlier, but I had to discuss my birthday plans with my parents." He pulled away from the hug but still had his arms around me. "You are available to come to my birthday celebration, right?"

I nodded. "Of course. I'm taking the day off from work to spend it with you."

Louis grinned widely and gave me a lingering kiss, sending shivers all the way down to my toes.

"Thank goodness, I was worried." We smiled as I adjusted his hood. His hands rubbed patterns on the small of my back. "Now onto other matters."

I looked at him confused, and he gave me a grin with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "What were you working on before I came here? I saw you hide it under the newspapers."

My breathing picked up nervously, and I fiddled with his hood for another quick moment. "Just some work. I didn't want a customer to see it."

His grin grew slightly. "Well, I'm not a customer, so can I see it?"

I gave him a smirk. "No, because it has to do with work, and I'm not allowed to show you."

Louis sighed. "Fine." He finally let me go and leaned against the table while I sat back down on my chair. "So, what have you been doing recently?"

The two of us spent the rest of my time at work talking, stopping whenever an actual customer came, the whole time the tingling nerves in my stomach grew when my plans began to fall into place.

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