Plot: Ron and Kelly get a little annoyed once Bob, Marc Wydell's B*Bot, tries to play with his friends for a day.
Tagalong BobIt was just another fun-filled work day at Bubble.
Ron's Gone Wrong: THE SERIES!
Humor(Note: Takes place after Ron's Gone Wrong 2: Best Friends Out Of The Box!) Join Ron, a friendly B*Bot (who's still glitching) on all-new adventures in Nonsuch with his pals Barney, Savannah, Kelly, Bill, and Rich! Sure, Ron still may need some time...
Episode 4: Tagalong Bob
Plot: Ron and Kelly get a little annoyed once Bob, Marc Wydell's B*Bot, tries to play with his friends for a day.
Tagalong BobIt was just another fun-filled work day at Bubble.