Four years later

31 0 0

Third year married

(A) there you are

(J) hey babe

(A) what are you doing up here?

(J) well since it was my break I decided to come up here and relax

(A) then I'll join you *sitting next to jackson*

(S) found the Sanchez's

(T) hey guys

(A) the tanners have arrived

(S) well we are all on break so of course we would

(T) so what's on today's schedule after work?

(J) Antonio and I have to do some grocery shopping since we're running low on things, give mochi a bath as well

(A) he's a little fluff ball he needs one

(J) what do you guys have planned?

(T) his parents are in town so they'll be over at our place for dinner, you two are invited to join us if you'd like to

(A) we didn't really have any dinner plans so that would work

(H) bubba

(J) Hannah how did you know we would be up here?

(H) Seth

(S) I forgot I had told her this is where we were going on break

(H) Vivian would be joining but she's busy with documents

(J) that's alright jest happy you could come see us

(H) my girlfriend would also be here but she wants to join for dinner

(T) that's alright with us

(S) were doing dinner at our place you guys are welcome to join as well

(H) I'd love to but my mom wants to go out to eat with my girlfriend and I, dad's on a trip with brothers so she invited us over

(J) how long is father away for?

(H) about two weeks it's across country so their on a different time zone than us

(J) alright, I'll visit mom whenever we get the chance too

(H) momma would be happy to see you

(J) have fun at mommas I'll make sure to give her a call

(B) so my question is for you four love birds

(S) what is it brad?

(J) what's the question?

(B) when are you guys starting families?

(A) uh...

(T) we haven't really talked about when

(J) yeah it was never a topic that came to mind

(B) were all in our twenties or thirties for the older two

(A) he's right but so is my husband, it was a topic that never crossed our minds but if we were ready to we could always go through with adoption or surrogacy

(J) we've only been married for three years, our four year anniversary is coming soon but I'd be happy to start a family with you

(A) I'd be happy for that too

(T) *looks at phone* shit our break ended two minutes ago we need to get back to work

(S) crap, coming babe

(T) are you two coming?

(A) will be down in a minute

(S) alright will let the others know *walking inside*

(T) *walking inside*

(J) so do you really want to start a family?

(A) I'd love to whenever your ready *kisses Jack's head*

(J) then let's do it let's start a family I'd be happy to have one with my husband

(A) will be great father's

(J) yeah we will *holds Antonio's hand* now back to work Mr.Sanchez

(A) coming Mr.Sanchez

-end of story-

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