A day at school

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(A) morning

(J) morning *kisses Antonio* I need to get ready for school

(A) I'm up for work I can drop you off if you need me too

(J) that would be fine

(A) let's get going so your not late

(J) alright *grabbing backpack*

- school-

(S) hey Antonio Jack

(J) morning Seth *getting out of car*

(A) good to see you Seth

(S) I left early so Thomas is probably still passed out at my place he offered to let me drive his car to school if you'd like to use it instead

(A) is that alright with you Jack?

(J) yeah I'll drive Seth home after school but you can take Thomas's car

(A) alright, Seth lead the way to Thomas's car and will trade places with the parking spot

(S) alright *drives out of parking spot*

(A) *drives into parking spot*

(S) *hands Antonio Thomas's keys* here you go

(A) thanks I'll see you both after work

(J) bye *hugging Antonio*

(A) bye *driving to pick up Thomas*

(J) Thomas will definitely be surprised when he sees Antonio driving his car

(S) yeah now common we gotta get to the group

(J) coming

(B) hey guys

(H) you made it bubba

(J) Hannah I'm surprised you'd be here so early

(H) dad dropped me off he had an early work shift this morning

(J) alright

(E) so what's up with today's schedule

(L) I have three tests and book club today

(S) a few of my papers from Friday are due

(H) I need to help with homecoming preparations

(S) Jackson are you taking Antonio?

(B) isn't Antonio Jackson's doctor?

(J) he is but he's also my boyfriend after all we did go to that club over the weekend

(H) you went to a club?

(J) shit I forgot to tell you about that sis but that also was the reason Seth stayed the night the day you surprised us by visiting

(H) the day Seth also got a boyfriend

(L) you have a boyfriend too?

(B) and I though you were the only other straight one in our group

(S) yes I have a boyfriend surprise I met him at the hospital he was the other doctor looking after Jack but him and I hooked up at the bar and the next morning I realized I had liked him that's when Hannah found out I was gay

(H) which also lead to him and my brother hearing the news that I'm pansexual

(B) well then

(M) common guys we got class soon

(N) yeah

(V) we can't be late

(E) coming mark Vivian

(N) we got some cooking to get too

(S) coming Nathan

(L) let's go babe *holding Emma's hand*

(E) see you guys at lunch

(H) bye bubba I need to head to class too

(J) alright sis see you later

(S) common we got chemistry

(B) any way for you not to word that oddly

(S) nope

(J) we have a test soon for our chemistry class *walking to class*

(B) thats a better way to word it

(I) morning everyone take your new seats

(S) oh great another seat change

(J) relax were all still by each other

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