Prestons P.O.V

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I couldn't believe Jerome didn't tell me! If Vikk and Lachlan had what me and Rob did, they deserve to win together. I sighed, thinking about how funny it was that war can bring that kind of thing out. I lunged at Jerome, attacking him with my iron sword. He yelped, but deflected it with Betty. I glanced over at Vikk and Lachlan, them holding hands. Lachlan, almost in tears, burying his head into Vikk chest. Vikk, stroking his hair and kissing his head. I growled, it reminded me so much of Rob. A new anger fueled my attacks and I swung more violently at Jerome. My bandana slipped down and fell off onto Jerome, covering his eyes. I raised up my sword and looked down at him. He was ready to die, to see Mitch again.
"Preston, just do it. Please..." he pleaded. I felt two ghostly hands fall on my shoulders. Jerome took the bandana away from his eyes and gasped. Rob. Mitch. I turned around. "Ro-ro-ro-rob!" I said. Jerome was smiling at Mitch, who smiled back. I looked at Mitchs stab wound. I winced and closed my eyes. That's what happened. Shaking my head, I dropped the sword. "I can't... Jerome. Just.... Vikk and Lachlan deserve to walk away." I said, touching Rob's cold hand. I watched Vikk and Lachlan climb up.
"Preston?" They said in unison. I looked at them. "So, Vikklan is real?" I asked. They looked at each other, blushing and nodded. I smiled. Jerome snuck up behind them and forced their heads together. They blushed and kissed, properly, nothing spared. Jerome laughed, falling to the ground and rolling around. I did the same. But, Vikk and Lachlan winked and grabbed two swords. They approached us and growled. Lachlan eyes weren't blue at all. They were red. It was as if he was.....possessed. I looked over to Jerome and saw Vikks were normal. He was crying. Jerome was comforting him. I heard cries of "He just changed! I couldn't stop him! Jerome help him! Please!" He was balling his eyes out. Lachlan was right in front of me. The red in his eyes sparkled. His iron sword that he picked up glinted. He smiled and held his sword above me. I closed my eyes. I said, "Rob...." Lachlan went to stab me but he didn't. When I looked up, I saw Vikk kissing Lachlan. Lachlan blushed and his eyes turned normal. Jerome looked at me and mouthed "Vikklan makeout session!" I smiled at that. Suddenly, pain split through my chest. The sword had been flung up and it landed, blade down, in my chest. I groaned. Vikk, Lachlan and Jerome jumped up and sprinted towards me. I gasped in pain. "Vikk, Jerome, Lachy. Leave me." I said, struggling to breath. Vikk and Lachlan looked at each other. Jerome just.... I don't know what he did. I saw Rob. I smiled. I was going to be with him again.

I guess the rest of my life wasn't as long as I thought.

Preston is dead.....
Poofless is reunited.
That last sentence killed me!
R.I.P BonBon.....

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