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Man, didnt think I would update this again!
Anyways. The sequel will be out in 5 mins max!
I have been putting it off but I have inspiration finally!
Left Behind, its called.
Heres the descrpition:

The sequel to The Last Nexus Hunger Games puts our old friends in a world where they aren't safe. The threat of death lingers around the group.
Here, romance seems to blossom in the strangest of places as our friends try to escape the cell and earn their freedom, one last time.
Expect Poofless, Merome and a hint of Skylox.
((I ain't good at descriptions.))

SO yeah, all da hype for that. 
Ill cyall on the flipside
Peace Out!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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