Some Time Alone

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I told the Guardian what was going on already and now Time was here with me. We were waiting for everyone to come back safely hoping Infinity wasn't too much for them. With Galaxy and Alex fighting him though, I have a feeling that everything will be alright. They are the most powerful beings in this world.

"Oh right Guardian. This probably isn't the best time... but I fixed your clothes." I took them out of my bag. It took me a while to get every detail right. His cloak was honestly the hardest thing for me to do, but good thing I had a lot of time to myself with nothing better to do. The Guardian takes it and puts his cloak on, seeming relieved to hide his face again. I understand the feeling.

"Thank you Sabre." He tells me, getting up from the bed to make sure it fits him right. I smile a bit happy to see that he was recovering so quickly and well. Maybe by the end of the week he can walk around a bit.

"It's nothing. I do this all the time." A pain ran through my head making me feel weak and lightheaded for a few seconds. I held my head a bit as the pain and weakness left me. I really need to check on my code. I'll do it tonight when everyone's asleep. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me to see Time.

"Are you okay Sabre?" Time is concerned. He really seemed worried about me. I just can't figure out why.

"Yeha, just fine. Don't worry Time." I told him, putting my own hand on his. We were silent for a few seconds. We were all waiting for them to come back inside. The Guardian broke the silence with a question for me.

"That scar on your back. Where did you get it?" He asked me.

"Oh that's from Alex when she was being controlled by Illusion. It healed fairly quickly."

"Good to hear... Is it okay if I ask some more questions? I don't know you very well and I want to know more about you." He says sitting down on the bed not able to stand for very long. I nodded. Time leaves the room for a second probably to grab a chair. He doesn't like it when I stand for very long with my leg. My arm has healed nicely though with it not being as severe of an injury. "What were you before this?" He asked me. I flinched a bit, my mind running of what to say as I remember what this life has given me for a childhood. Almost nothing. I kind of just opened my eyes here in this world. Lucas's memories of me are from a different life we shared together where I did go through a portal and disappeared. So I go with my first life.

"Well my dad was a farmer. We lived on his farm for most of my life..." I mumbled remembering the details of my first home. The ability of remembering everything to perfect detail can sometimes be overwhelming to me.

"Not like that before you were a hero. In this realm." How am I supposed to explain that I was an Assassin to him? Someone who guides the dead to his world and gives them peace. That I kill people for what most people see as not a good reason.

"I had a job... where I helped people-" The pain came back again and I could see for a second the first person I ever killed as a child, like I was reliving my memory again. That terrible day again. I could feel the dagger in my hand that I held onto tightly to dear life as I stared at the man who just killed my father who now stood dead in front of me. Blood on my hands and clothes. My lungs took every bit of air it could. Tears ran through my blindfold. My heart pounded in my chest-

"Sabre! Sabre!" A voice took me out of that memory. Time seemed to be supporting me as I laid on his back looking up at the ceiling. The pain in my code finally disappeared. I looked at Time.

"Time?... What happened?..." I asked him. He hugs me tightly.

"I'm so sorry Sabre. I shouldn't have asked that. If I knew." I looked around my memory a bit fuzzy. Right he asked me about what I was.

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