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"That's the main guy," I said pointing at the photo, "His street name is Slasher for obvious reasons. The guy next to him is Butcher, his second in command. The other three are Clobber, Skull and Jester. Not the nicest of guys you will ever meet. Dangerous, unpredictable and fucking insane,"

"And you got involved with them?" Tony said, narrowing his eyes.

"I told you. I was young and in need of love. They showed me that," I said, "I regret every day I was with them but I had no choice. Once you were in with them, that was it,"

Tony rubbed his chin, "Is there anything else I should know? Like their real names?"

"I only know their first names," I said, "Simon is Slasher, Brett is Butcher, Robbie is Clobber. Then Andrew or Andy is Skull, Dan is Jester. The other photo is of the two guys who are working their way up. That's Wayne also known as Mad Dog. Keiran is Maniac and Zac is Cleaver. As you can tell by their names, it's what weapon they turn to. Zac will slice someone up with a cleaver without blinking. But he isn't the craziest. That would be Simon. The man probably doesn't have any screws left in his head,"

"I have a question," Sam said, making me look at him, "Did you have a gang name?"

"I did," I said, "But it was only because it was to keep my real name a secret when we were in public. I never did anything violent like kill people. I can feel your judgement from here,"

"What was it?"

I cringed and shook my head, "I'd rather not say,"

"Emily, this is important," Tony said, "No one will judge you. If this will help piece everything together,"

"Simon had a slight obsession with me when I turned 15. I...I mean, I'd rather not talk about what happened but he used to call me a little man-eater,"

"That was your nickname?" Bucky said, lifting his eyebrows up.

"For some time yes," I said, "Man-eater didn't stick for long and since his obsession became almost out of control he decided to brand me as his so no one would try anything. In the end, he called me his Venus after the Roman god."

"That isn't as bad as I thought,"

"It is when he has that name tattooed across his chest as a symbol of his love. He also has Emily tattooed across his back," I said and I pulled my sleeves down to cover my hands, "I don't want anything to do with him. I don't want to be there when you find him. I want him to think I am dead,"

"Are you scared of him?" Nat asked.

I nodded, "Simon hurt me in more ways than I can say. His obsession became so bad I was made to watch him gouge his friend's eyes out for looking at me too long. Every time I was around them, I had to wear a black mask over my mouth and nose so they couldn't stare at me. By the time I hit 16, that was it. It was fair game. I was legal in his eyes and well, you get the picture,"

"I'm going to kill him," Tony said.

"Get in line," Nat said, "How dare he hurt my girl! I'm going to show him how bad the Black Widow can actually be,"

I sighed, "I did have a friend...kinda. They weren't given a name and if they did get one, it was after I left. I tried to warn her but she was more fucked up than I was. Her name was Lily Turner. A year young than myself and from the same orphanage,"

"I'm not getting good vibes from this orphanage," Steve said, "There has to be something behind it. Why would they target that specific orphanage instead of others?"

I shrugged, "It was full of lonely people. What can you do? We all wanted some type of family. I was just stupid enough to get involved with them. It was too late to leave. By the time I realised who and what they did, I was in too deep,"

"But why are they targeting my business?" Tony asked, "There has to be an explanation. No one knew who adopted you so there must be a reason,"

"Well..." I said and he turned to look at me, "I told them I was leaving when I found out I was being adopted. They asked who the family was and I only said they were some rich bastards from America. You saw what they did to me when I refused to tell them who it was. They might be crazy but they aren't stupid. They probably figured out. I was at dad's funeral,"

"Fuck," Tony said, squeezing his eyes shut, "I should have protected you more. This is my fault that they found you,"

"You can't blame yourself, Tony," Nat said, "Emily is right. They could have found her another way. We just have to do our best to make sure she is looked after,"

"I agree," Bucky said, "She needs 24-hour protection,"

Tony looked over at Bucky and I pressed my lips together, "My tower can't be broken into but I agree partly. Emily, when you leave the tower, you need people with you. Everyone will take turns to look after you."

"What if I-" I started but Tony lifted his hand up to shush me, "Alright."

"Good. Thank you for agreeing," Tony smiled, "Now we have that out of the way, you can explain how you came home with a bruise on your face,"

I glanced at Bucky who sighed.

"It was my fault," He said, "She wanted to sit in front of me on the bike and I broke too hard. Her head snapped forward and she hit her face. I feel guilty but I will make it up to her."

Tony shook his head, "How many times have I told you to sit behind the rider? This is what happens when you don't listen to your handsome older brother?"

I scoffed, "Who said you were handsome?"

Tony gasped dramatically and pointed his pen at me, "I'll have you know that there are plenty of people out there that think I am attractive and very handsome. Your opinion doesn't matter anyway. You have a fuckwit for a boyfriend,"

I smiled slightly and nodded, "I know. Um, I'm going to head to my room. Do you need anything else?"

"No, it's ok," Tony smiled, "Get some rest and I expect you down for dinner tonight."

"Alright. Love you, Tony,"

"Love you too, girl. Now piss off,"


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now