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Nat grunted as I knocked her onto the floor and pinned both wrists next to her head. She let out a huff and licked her split lip, "You're in a bad mood today,"

"I'm feeling better than yesterday," I said, rolling off her, "Sorry about your split lip,"

"I've had worse," She said sitting up and she tilted her head, "Wanda said she can't read your mind,"

"Good. I don't want anyone intruding on my thoughts,"

"Will you tell me what is wrong?" Nat asked, "I've not seen you in a week and the first time I see you, which is today, by the way, you kick the shit out of me,"

I sighed, "I'm still angry. Steve and Bucky said things to me and I can't forget about it. I'm sorry that I shut you out,"

Nat smiled and shook her head, "Don't worry about it. You needed some time and I'm glad that you are finally being social,"

I managed a smile and she elbowed me.

"What did they say?"

"Nothing worth mentioning again," I said, "Ok. I'm done fighting. Fancy a night out?"

"Not sure your brother will agree. Not with Roman still out there,"

I groaned and my shoulders dropped, "I forgot about that bastard. Has anyone talked yet?"

"Slasher and Lily don't want to talk. The others did after some convincing," Nat smirked, "It is safe to say that Loki is very fond of you. He got inside their heads and they cried like little babies. It was good to see. Tony even thanked him,"

"I owe him one then?"

"Oh, my darling," Loki said making us both scream out, "You owe me more than just one,"

"Don't do that!" I snapped and glared at him, "Why didn't you clear your throat?"

"That wouldn't have been much fun," He chuckled, "Your brother has called a meeting. He wants everyone there. I was sent to get you."

Loki helped us to our feet and his eyes zeroed in on Nat's lip, "Who would have thought? The great Black Widow would let someone win a fight?"

"You fight her then," Nat said patting his chest, "God or not, she will kick your ass,"

"I look forward to it," Loki said, "Come. Tony doesn't want to be kept waiting. He isn't in a good mood. As per,"

Nat walked into the room first and Loki held the door open, motioning me inside. I muttered thanks and stepped inside. Bucky and Steve got to their feet when they saw me, begging me to look at them. I held back a scoff and didn't give them the satisfaction of my attention. The chair between them was free but I walked the long way around and plonked myself on Sam's lap.

"Right," Tony said, "I won't ask what is wrong with you,"

"Good. Because I wouldn't tell you,"

"Hmm," Tony said, "Now that we have everyone here, I have some news. Roman has been spotted and is being watched. He managed to get out of the county and is back in London. Right now we are sitting back because he isn't a danger right now. His little minions squealed like bitches when Loki got inside their heads,"

"What about Slasher and Lily?" I asked.

"Not talking. They have shut off and no one can get them to talk. Wanda can't get inside their heads and neither can Loki," Tony took his glasses off, "Slasher won't talk until he sees you but-"

"Ok," I said and Sam sighed, "If that is a way to get him to talk then I will see him. What about Lily?"

"I'd rather you don't see him," Steve said.

"I'd rather not hear your opinion, Captain Rogers," I said, not looking at him, "Tony. Please. Slasher knows everything there is to know. You can trust me. If you are that worried I will have Loki with me. Bucky if you open your fucking mouth I will punch you,"

Bucky lifted his hands up in surrender.

"Ok, I can't keep this in anymore. What the hell has happened between you three?" Tony asked, "I thought you were good with each other!"

"Why don't you tell them, boys?" I said looking at them, "I'm sure everyone is dying to hear what you said to me. Oh, you don't want to? That is fine with me. I will tell them a brief version of it. I am exactly like them. Scum. Hydra. Bucky thinks I've changed since I killed them and Steve thinks that I killed without thinking about the consequences because they raised me,"

"They said what?" Nat said.

"Oh yeah," I said getting to my feet, "They have killed more people than I can fucking count but because they were fighting a war, it's acceptable. I was beaten, raped and used but I kill one fucking abuser and I'm in the wrong. Bucky was brainwashed and killed, but again, I kill someone and I'm the worst person alive,"

"Emily, it-" Bucky began and he stopped, "I can't take back what I said. I'm truly sorry for what I said,"

"Oh, you fucking will be," Tony said.

"Forget about it," I said, "I'm done with the both of them so you don't have to worry about me getting into another threesome,"


"I don't feel any type of remorse for taking a life. In fact, I feel great. It's like a massive weight has been lifted and I can finally breathe again," I said, holding back tears, "I thought that you two would understand the most. Considering what you have been through. But you didn't trust me enough. I wanted to be able to lean on the two men I love and explain how I felt, but you locked me in a god damn cell to protect the ones who hurt me,"

No one said anything and I looked at Nat who looked as if she wanted to set them both on fire.

"Now you know," I said, "I'm really sorry for taking my anger out on you,"

Nat got to her feet and I saw Bruce jump to his, "You dare say shit like that to my girl?"

"I agree," Wanda said, pushing her sleeves up, "What were you thinking?"

"Clearly we weren't," Steve said quietly, "Emily, I'm sorry. We really are. I've-"

"Darling," Loki said, making me look at him, "Your nose is bleeding,"

"Get her to the lab. Now!" Tony said, loudly.


Belonging to me [[Bucky Barnes x Oc x Steve Rogers ]] 18+Where stories live. Discover now