chapter 6: the memory.

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Cecile's POV

As I lay John down on his bed, I sit down at his desk and begin to feel a knot in my stomach.

'John...I'm so sorry..' I thought as I begin to tear up.

'I shouldn't have let you go out and do something like that.' Tears fall down my face, as I think back on what made this all possible.

1 week before the incident.

As I just finished reading the latest article sent to me, John walked in the press room with his hands in his pockets like usual.

He pulls up a chair and sits down next to me, but he doesn't say anything. 'weird...' I thought.

Despite how weird he was acting, I just ignored it, and continued on with my work.

Time skip 1 hour---3:05

As I finally finished stacking the article papers before grabbing my stuff and going to the dorms, John finally spoke.

"I've decided to become a vigilante." He stated with a calm tone.

"Yeah, sounds nice." I say calmly, too focused on packing my stuff to comprehend what he said.

Then I finally registered what he said.

...a feeling of shock and dread attacked every Last part of my body.

"Wait a minute..." I muttered.

"WHAT!!!!" I shouted, turning my head over to him in a split second.

"Please Stop shouting cecile. I've decided to become a vigilante." He spoke louder.

His...tone... why is his tone so calm... why is he acting like what he said is a completely normal thing to say!?

"John! Why are you so calm right now? Do you even realize what you just said?!" I yell.

"Of course I do, I'm not that much of an idiot you know." He says rolling his eyes.

"J-John, you can't be serious right now! This has to be a prank, right!?" I say almost laughing, their wasn't any humor in this situation. But I hoped that it would make John yell "prank!!!"
And start laughing at me...

But he wasn't joking...

"Jeez. I told you because I thought you wouldn't freak out about it, guess I was wrong." He said with an annoyed tone.

"J-John, please reconsider or something!! Your like a best friend to me! You are the only one who noticed if I was feeling down! If I lost you, or if something bad happened to you, I would never be able to forgive myself!!!" I screamed at him. I was crying as I said this, I grabbed him by the shoulders and started shaking him. I was pissed.

John grabbed me by the blazer, an pulled me into a comforting hug.

"Cecile... everything will be okay." He says.

As I slowly close my eyes, I hugged him back as I practically screamed in his shoulder and I continued crying.

'Please, let this be a dream!' I thought.

The crying continued for 5 minutes, John kept on trying too comfort me but it didn't work, and by the time I stopped. Both of us was sitting on the floor.

"Let me come with you." I said, I couldn't let him die. If he did, I would be alone again. More importantly, he'll never get the chance see his mom. Or anything he didn't get to see before!

"Cecile, you know I can't let you do that. What if you get hurt?" John says with a worried voice.

'Is that all he's concerned about?'

"Are you kidding me John!? You do realize that I can take care of myself, right!!" I yelled.

"Of course I do! I'm not saying that your not strong enough!"

"I'm saying that what I'm doing, gets me involved with people who can kill people like Rei!! He is stronger than Arlo is now, and you can't defeat Arlo!"

"So how do you expect to beat people like that!?" He yells, a angry expression on his face.

'Wait... he said people who are stronger than Rei? But the cities and districts population is only low- tier's or mid-tier's... why did he say that?'

"Wait... Don't tell me..." I muttered as I looked up at him.

"Your deliberately trying too get Ember's attention!?!?!?"


sorry if this chapter sucked😅

I was trying to focus on Cecile and John's friendship.

So let me explain.

In this AU Cecile and John became friends after Seraphina walked out on him. Seraphina still wants to help him, so don't worry about Seraphina being angry at him 24/7 when she comes up like in some fanfics.

Cecile say John "feels" like a best friend to her because she thinks of her friendship with John is just her being Seraphina's replacement. So she doesn't call John her best friend despite the fact that she does love having John as a best friend.

She doesn't want to make John angry at her for saying that.

No. This is not going to show John being abusive to Cecile, he changed how he acts toward her after the joker arc.

John does care about Cecile, and does consider her a best friend instead of a replacement.

The problem is that John is scared of becoming attached to Cecile, in case she leaves him like Seraphina did. Or betray him like he thought Claire did, and what he knew Arlo did.

So no, this does not have Jecile in the story. Their relationship is purely best friends. Nothing more.

(Please tell me if I spelled Rey's name wrong and if you want to, tell me in the comments how to 😑it's most likely spelled with an "A" instead of an "E" but I don't want to make any errors.😅)

Also, the reason why John knows who Rei is, is because Cecile told him when John asked her.

That was after Remi and John's conversation about why he was joker, the mention of Rei In that conversation made John curious. So he asked Cecile.

(Episode 151 if you're confused)

I don't know why I'm just saying this now, but I think I will put Jarlo in here (Arlo × John)

So don't ask if their's any ships, or what the ship is, or that I should change it.

If you don't want to read it after I told you this then bye.👋😁 It won't really effect the story all that much, it's just a ship. It doesn't change anything. I'm not going to make it the main point of my story either. So don't worry😄

Anyway, that's all I have to say. 👋😄 bye-bye!

Word count:1,098

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