chapter 1: The Shock.

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Side note: It's winter, and in the middle of December.

Vaughn's pov

As I walk down the street with Darren and Keene,trying to get too the school that the three of us worked at, Keene kept talking about how great December was, and that he was excited for the party that the staff would set up for the students for Christmas.

Darren started saying that he's wondering if John was going, since as of right now, students rarely ever see John anywhere besides the hallways, this led too Keene teasing Darren about John being his favorite.

"Awww, scared your favorite student isn't gonna show up?"

"SHUT UP, HE'S NOT MY FAVORITE!" I hear Darren yell 'so amusing' I thought too myself, smiling, as I hear them continue their bickering 'but...' my smile fades, I start too think about what Darren said, it's...weird, no body sees John anywhere besides the hallways?..really?

I snap out of my thoughts, as I then hear a shocked gasp, I look over too see Keene, who looks shocked. I watch as Keene rushes ahead, looking terrified,

"Keene! What the hell are you-" as me and Darren finally look ahead to the rode in front of us, our face slowly turns into the same face of horror. "...J-John?!"


Sorry, I'm not sure how often I'll get to update. I guess I'll update when I want too?😅

Well see you next update, if you want me too continue tell me in the comments 😄🖐 bye!

Word count: 259

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