chapter 7: The Unwanted Visitors.

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Cecile's POV

"Your deliberately trying too get Ember's attention!?"

"Yeah, pretty much." John says. his tone was way to calm. It didn't fit with the situation at all.

"Why? what are you trying to achieve by doing this!?" I ask. I didn't understand. What could he possibly get by doing this?

"I get a reason to not sleep. I also get to play hero, I can redeem myself a little by doing this. I don't have to be a monster for a while. Isn't that amazing?" John says, the enthusiasm in his voice sounding to exhausted to be real.

Is this really his reason!? Does he honestly think that's a good reason to put a huge target on his back!?

"John, that's not! A good reason!" I tell him. I'm right. Their's no way this is a good thing.

"Alright fine, how about this? If any of my outings go wrong. I'll stop being a vigilante. Okay?" John says while holding out his hand.

"...fine. You promise?" I say.

"I promise." John says, putting one of his hands on his heart.

"Okay, I trust you." I say while shaking his hand.

End of flashback.

I should have told someone... now you're badly injured....

Because of me...


I watch as the lamp that was on his desk went off. 'Whats happening!?' I thought.

Then the intercom went on, the person told us to make our way to the outside of the school, and that "Miss Raina" will guide us to the exit.Then they told us to follow the green light.

I stand up and walk outside of John's dorm, trying to figure out what's happening, activating my ability to give me some light as I walk. I finally make it into the hallway and I see the windows that are covered by some weird green sheet.

'The hell?' I thought. I then watch as the green on the window goes away.

My eyes widened. I see everyone outside wearing their winter stuff like hats, scarves, gloves, etc. There was people I didn't recognize, and their abilities are activated.

Some of them had maskes on, it was weird. Then one of them shouted.

"We told all! Of You to come out. There's still two left in the building!" The woman said.

The woman had a suit on, as well as a scarf and gloves. She had white hair and burnt golden eyes. Her eyes were similar to John's eyes.

"But that's okay I guess, I'm only here for one person anyway." The woman spoke.

Only here for one person? Who is she talking about?

"What are you talking about? Who are you here for anyway?" Vaughn asked.

As everyone waits impatiently. My mind focused on one person...the white haired woman.

I don't know why, but she reminds me of John. By the way she's acting. It's obvious that she's a God tier. Welston has some of the most strongest students. No normal mid-tier, elite-tier, or low-tiers would dare attack this school.

I also believe that she's in charge of this. She's standing in the middle of all of the people with her, you also wouldn't talk so boldly if you weren't the leader.

"Well before I answer that." She finally spoke.

"I would like to introduce myself!" She says smiling sweetly.

"My name is Jane..."

"Jane Doe."


I hope this made enough sense😅

I also hope I didn't add way to much detail in certain things. As well as putting way to little detail into something that needed more detail😅

Anyway's bye-bye👋😄

Word count: 608

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