Chapter 1

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Ash had just won the Alola League, defeated Professor Kukui, and established himself as the strongest trainer in the region. The next day, he had a conversation with Professor Kukui concerning his future.

"Hey Professor, what now?" Ash asked genuinely to Kukui. The Professor scratched his head. "Well, to be honest, Ash, that's for you to decide." Ash sighed. "But what would you do in my shoes!" Kukui sat in deep thought for a moment. "Well, to be honest, Ash, you're in uncharted territory as Alola's first-ever Champion. I think that's worth something."

Ash also thought back to a conversation with Olivia where she mentioned "Seeing the outside world" However, the catch was that Ash already had seen the outside world! He had been on many adventures, made great friends, and caught many Pokemon. What was the point of another journey? He had to grow up at some point and Alola provided that opportunity to grow as both a person and in the career sense.

Ash took a deep breath and made his decision. He would elect to stay in Alola and function as its champion. He only hoped he was making the right decision.

That had been almost a week ago and now Ash had to make a very difficult decision. Buying his first-ever house. Once he told Kukui he intended on staying in Alola permanently, he was "encouraged" to find a place of his own. Ash doubted his financial situation until Kukui showed him his own bank account. Ash wasn't stupid rich, but he was very well off. He could afford any house within reason on Melemele Island. Ash didn't want a huge house, but he wanted a place large enough for himself and plenty of friends. Maybe even a family of his own one day! Ash blushed ever so slightly thinking of that image, having some blonde kids and a wife, all with Pokemon of their own! Wait, why did he think of blonde? Ash slapped himself in front of the real estate agent he was w,ith. "Is something wrong sir?" asked a confused Real Estate agent. Ash looked at the ground "ummmmmm I think I left the stove on, that's all" the agent looked at him puzzled. "But sir, didn't you say that this would be the first house you've ever owned?" Ash slightly sweatdropped and waved his hand "Yeah.... Well anyways, I love this place but maybe something a bit bigger, you know? It's fine if it's further away from the city, as long as there's ample space for tons of people and Pokemon. The real estate agent smiled. "Well, I think I have a place you'd love! Alakazam, use teleport!" The agents' Alakazam grabbed Ash and Pikachu and whisked them to a new house.

From the moment Ash teleported in front of the house, he knew this would be the place. It was two stories tall, with four bedrooms and plenty of open space. A large kitchen and a view of the ocean nearby. But that wasn't even the best part. The defining feature of this house was the huge yard that surrounded the place. It was large enough to fit hundreds of Pokemon or hold many battles at once. The ocean was nearby for water types, open and sunny skies for flying types, and berry bushes around the complex. Ash was taken aback by how perfect it seemed. He walked around some, just taking it all in. Ash smiled, put his hands at his side, and walked towards the real estate agent. "I'll take it! This is the house I want." The real estate agent smiled and handed Ash the papers. "Well, here's the papers, send them to my office by tomorrow!" Ash scratched his head "Well, can I just get the keys now? I sorta have nowhere to stay for the night." The agent laughed and handed Ash the keys. "It's the least I can do for you, Champion." Ash felt his heart skip a beat upon being called that. He was still getting used to everything after the tournament. Ash grabbed the keys and smiled. "Thanks! You were a huge help!" the agent waved and teleported away with her Alakazam. Ash put his hands in his pockets and thought about what he should do next before an idea struck him. He needed to move his Pokemon from Oak's lab to his new place. All of them! He was a champion now and if he were to defend his title, he'd need some heavy hitters like Infernape or Greninja. "Oh....." Ash said to himself sadly. He had sort of forgotten about Greninja staying in Kalos. Maybe he'd go visit him and if he was done with all of that Zygarde business he'd bring him back. Ash sighed, his mood briefly brought down by the memories of Greninja. Either way, Ash was pretty sure that old Professor Oak could use some help relieving himself of some of Ash's Pokemon. Plus, Ash would be able to be closer to them and help train them for some champion-caliber battles he knew he'd have soon enough. Ash smiled and pulled out his Rotom Phone and dialed Professor Oak. The Professor picked up instantly. "Ash! So great to hear from you, what's going on my boy?" Ash smiled, "Well, Professor, I just bought my first house!" Oak smiled and laughed "That's awesome to hear! I'm sure your mother will be very proud of you!" Ash laughed at that. Delia would be very pleased with the place he had chosen. "Hey Professor, my new house has plenty of space for Pokemon! I was wondering if you'd send me all of my Pokemon to Alola?" Professor Oak fell over laughing "Yes! I'd be happy to send you all of the Pokemon at my ranch. They miss you, and I know they'll love the Alolan climate." Ash looked at the professor confused, "You won't miss any of them?" Oak shook his head. "Knowing you Ash, there aren't really any goodbyes, more just see you later." Ash went silent for a moment hearing this. "Yeah, yeah I guess so." Oak steered the topic back onto the transfer. "I'll send the Pokemon over to the nearest center. Just text me when you're ready." Ash smiled and rushed towards the local Pokemon center.

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