You Dont Want to Diasppoint Me Boy!

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Y/N and Hermione sat in the common room staring at Harry and Ron. Mainly Harry. They had just arrived back from the train and were catching up with their two friends:

"So you got caught with my cloak, by the Headmaster, staring into a mirror?"

Harry nodded at Y/N, replying:

"Yeah but it was a special mirror. I saw my parents. Ron saw himself, but as Head Boy, and Quidditch Captain"

Y/N knew now what Harry was talking about.

"Did the mirror have writing around it Harry?"

Harry nodded happily.

"That's the Mirror of Erised. It's a cursed object. You need to keep away from it"

Harry sighed and replied:

"The Headmaster told me the same, that he was going to move it and-"

"Good" Y/N answered with a relieved sigh.

"How is it cursed? Harry saw his parents! I was-"

Y/N interrupted Ron's petulant whining with a fierce tone:

"Because it's not real Ron! It causes people to waste away on dreams instead of living their lives!"

"I still think it's cool" Ron answered with a huff, crossing his arms.

"For fucks... back me up here 'Mione"

Y/N turned his head to look at Hermione who was miles away, staring into space with a giant smile on her face.


Hermione sat on the couch in a happy daydream. She couldn't help but dwell on Newt's note. She smiled every time she thought about it.

"You ok?" Y/N asked puzzled. "You're smiling to yourself again"

Hermione looked at Y/N, then at the boys who were staring at her puzzled. She quickly nodded and blushed.

"What's with you today?" Y/N asked with a chuckle.


Classes started back and Hermione had become very clingy. She enjoyed being with Y/N every moment she could. She also seemed more confident in herself which Y/N adored. He hated it when she doubted herself.

The Gryffindors were sat in charms. Y/N was reading an advanced book Flitwick had given him to study as Hermione was sat with Lavender, talking happily while practicing spells.

Y/N didn't look up from his book but smiled to himself happily. Lavender and Hermione had been getting closer and were really good friends now. This made Y/N extremely happy. It's good she's got a female friend he thought to himself.

The students fell back into the routine of classes without much fanfare. That is until Y/N's first Care of Magical Creatures class since second term had started.

Y/N stood looking down at the giant worm like creatures in front of him. Despite the fact they were worms, Y/N still felt a sense of care for them. A need to protect them.

Cedric smiled next to him, attempting to look as interested as possible when Y/N was suddenly seized from the side. Maisy had wrapped her arms around his chest and buried her face into his neck. Y/N and Cedric shared a worried glance as Y/N rubbed Maisy's back and whispered:

"Hey, you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine" Maisy replied emotionless. It was obvious she was lying, she has tear marks down her cheeks, Y/N felt her tears wet his neck. She was trying her best to keep the pureblood resolve that had been drilled into her since birth but was failing.

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