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•Ben's POV•

I'm drinking a Pepsi and laughing with my friends at a dumb joke when I see my ex girlfriend pass by. I turn my head, hoping she won't see me, but unfortunately, she does.

"Benjamin?" she says, like it's a question. Like she's surprised to see me. As if we haven't went to the same school for three years. As if she doesn't know that I always hang here with my buddies after school.

"Victoria," I say cooly, not even trying to be nice.

"What are you doing here?"

"Don't play dumb."

"I'm not...," she says innocently. Ugh, the nerve of that girl!

"Leave me alone, Victoria."

"You used to call me Tori," she says, batting her eyelashes and playing with the drawstrings on my hoodie.

"Ew, get off of me! God, would you please just go away?" I pull myself away from her and sit back on the railing with my friends.

"I can't believe you're treating me like this. After all we've been through."

Wow, is she actually crying? "It was two weeks, Victoria. I'm over it. And you should be too."


"Stop making a fool of yourself," I interrupt her, holding up my hand for silence. "You're only gonna embarrass yourself more."

She gasps, horrified. "I can't believe you, Ben Walker! How dare you speak to me this way." She turns on her heel and stomps away.

"Can you believe her?" I ask, turning towards my friends. "What a diva."

"Yeah," they agree.

I'm glad we broke up. I mean, yeah, she looks my type. Blonde. Great body. Long legs. But she's so needy. Ugh, to think I ever went out with her!

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