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"Hey, Liam.. can we, uh, talk about something?" I asked the taller boy. He gave me a confused look but nodded and we walked away from where the other boys were playing a card game and I awkwardly cleared my throat..

"I need some advice." 

He nodded and crossed his arms, waiting for me to continue.

"Well.. uh.. I think I may be pregnant" I said quietly. "And.. I don't know how to tell Harry" 

"Wow.. okay.. uhm." Liam stutters a bit.. then he takes a deep breath and says "Harry is so in love with you. He never shuts up about you. You guys rarely fight, you're obviously happy.. Just tell him the truth. Just blurt it out. That'll be easiest.. Don't freak him out by sitting him down.. Just tell him"

I nod and play with the hem of my shirt.. "I'm scared.." I whisper

Liam gives me a small smile then he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back.. then he releases me and I feel a different pair of arms around me. It's Harry.

I smile and melt into my boyfriend's chest. 

"You okay, my love?" He mumbles into my hair

"Yeah, I'm good.. when are we leaving?" I asked as I tilted my head and looked up at him.

"In a few minutes.. The security is bringing the car 'round now.." He smiles down at me

I pucker my lips, silently asking for a kiss, and he leans down and pecks my lips.

"Love you, darling" He tells me. "I love you too" I grin.

After telling all the boys goodbye, we went out and got in the car.. When we got to our house, Harry took my hand and lead me inside. "I love you, Harry" I suddenly blurted out

He turned and smiled, obviously curious as to why I'd just spill that out like I did, but none the less, he said "I love you too, Julie"

We got inside and sat down on the couch. He was leaning on the arm rest with his legs across the couch and I was between his legs with my back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and rested both his hands on my stomach. He started placing little butterfly kisses behind my ear and I giggled and leaned my head back and got a couple real kisses.. His lips moved against mine like they were made for each other.. and I realized how much he actually means to me. 

He's everything I need. He's always here for me. he's always making sure I'm okay. Our relationship is so happy and full of passion and love.. 

"Harry.. I have something to tell you" He looks me in the eyes and smiles. "What's up, love?"

"I think.. We need to go to the store.. and.." I pause and take a deep breath.. "..buy a couple pregnancy tests." I finished strong.

His eyes went a little wide and I leaned off of him a little so I could actually face him and see his reaction..

"When.. when was your last period?" He asks calmly

"I missed this month.. that's why.." I trailed off and looked at my hands. He frowned as soon as I stopped looking at him.

His fingers tipped my chin up and he said "You're worried.. why?"

"Because.. I don't know.. What if I'm actually pregnant?" I whisper the last part, like saying it out loud will make it even more true

We stare at each other for a few silent moments.. then he says "So what if you are"

A small smile tugs at the corners of my lips and I say "really?"

"Yeah, really.. We've been together for two and a half years, we've got enough money to raise a child, we've got our own house, great friends who'd love this baby.. and.. I'd love our baby.." He says, his voice full of honestly and love

"I'd love to have a baby too" I nod as I talk.

"Let's run to the store then, okay? We'll grab two. And we'll get some snacks aswell. Sound good?" He asked as he sat up a little more

"Yeah, sounds good.. and Harry? Thanks.. for everything.. I love you so much.." 

He pushed his lips onto mine gently and I smiled into the kiss.

"I love you too, Julie Andrews.. You're my whole world.. I'll never be the same if I lose you. please don't let me lose you" He mumbles the last part and closes his eyes, as if he's praying..

"Look at me, curly.." I say.. and he looks up and into my eyes.

"You'll never ever lose me" I say sternly

Our Little Girl ~H.S.Where stories live. Discover now