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Julie is 5 months old now.. God, how time flies.. 

I did the last button her her sweater and smiled big at her. "Done, little one! All done!" I said in a happy voice. She giggled and smiled right back at me. I love her.. Oh, I love her! I gently picked her up, bouncing her a little so she wouldn't cry, and I talked to her as I shoved my wallet in my pocket and we started to go down stairs..

"Baby, Lou is here!" I heard Julie's voice from the kitchen.

I grinned and when I reached the bottom of the stairs, I heard Louis gasp before I even seen him. 

"She's gotten so big already!" Louis exclaimed as he hurried over to examine Cass.

"Yeah, she really has.. Also, Hi. Asshole" I laughed and he said "oh, yeah, hello" then he went right back to making faces that made my daughter giggle.

I got my phone out and quickly passed it to Julie and she started to video..

After about a minute, she stopped and I slid my phone back into my pocket.

"You ready to go now? I'm sure Jules back there is getting quite angry without her coffee." I said as I motioned behind him. He stood up straight and said "Can I fasten her into the car-seat?! Oh, please?" 

"Yes, yes, here" I handed her over and he was over joyed as he went to put her down in the car. I wrapped my arms around my wife's waist and pulled her close.

"I love you.. we'll be back soon. Caramel Latte, right? With whipped cream?" 

"Yup.. and I love you too" She leaned up and we shared a few soft kisses before I pulled back and said "See you" and she nodded and I hurried after Louis.

When I got in the car, he was in the backseat with Cassidy and I laughed and turned on the radio, but quiet so we could still talk..

On the way to the coffee shop, Louis told me about his girlfriend and I nodded and tried to keep track of all the things he told me.. He literally told me every little detail of her personality and her favorite things.. It's sweet, really. He loves her a lot.

I mean likes her a lot... yeah, he hasn't said 'the L word' to her yet.. but that's okay. Takes time.. 

Thought it's kinda obvious he's falling for her.

At the coffee shop, a few people recognized us.. and asked for a photo. It was a little awkward, because I was holding Cassidy at the time, but they didn't mind and honestly, neither did I.. Louis and I stood close and I kept Cas in my arms as she took a photo of us then thanked us.

"Hey, wait, I want that picture.. Where are you posting it?" I asked her quickly

"Oh, On my Instagram. Is that okay?" She asked nervously

"Yeah, of course.. But tell me your Instagram so I can screenshot it later, please" I handed Cassidy over to Louis and got my phone out. She told me her a account name and I thanked her again and she said it was nice to meet us and she complimented my daughter before running off..

We sat at the outside picnic tables with our coffees, just playing with Cassidy and talking, then my phone went off and I seen that girl, Naomi, had posted the picture..

We sat at the outside picnic tables with our coffees, just playing with Cassidy and talking, then my phone went off and I seen that girl, Naomi, had posted the picture

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