Chapter 21:Darkest Before Dawn

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"Still I Hear You Say, You Want To End Your Life."

Three Days Grace-Never Too Late

"Exiting hyper jump."

With those words from the Devilfish's computer, the blue hue of hyperspace dissipated and was replaced with stars and the blackness of space. In the distance was Papetoon, their destination.

"We'll be running on fumes by the time we get into their territorial space, but we'll make it." Miyu explained.

"Very good, I for one will be glad to get back home." replied Fox.

Fay meanwhile had been trying to talk to her fiance, but he was still unresponsive.

"Dennis baby, please come back."

"Rock, deep water, nice and euphoric, she'll never know." Dennis said, seemingly unaware of his future wife in front of him.

Fay quickly walked out of the room with tears in her eyes. Karza shook his head.

"He needs serious help."

The rest of the trip to Papetoon passed in tense silence


"Here it comes." Ozric Manyard said as he watched the approaching craft with his binoculars.

"I'm looking forward to this." added Volg Kozan.

Slowly but surely, the Lylatian transport circled around Kairella Spaceport on Papetoon and settled itself on the landing strip. Kozan and Manyard turned back towards the dozen or so Xenosian intelligence agents they'd brought with them.

"You boys ready?"


The mercenaries stepped off the Devilfish's ramp into the night air of Papetoon.

"Ah, freedom." Karza said as he took a breath.

Krystal was about to agree when a wave of pain assaulted her mind.

"Everybody down, they've followed us!"

No sooner was everyone throwing themselves into whatever cover they could find than plasma bolts were piercing the air. Fox, Krystal, and Miyu were behind a stack of crates, Karza and Dennis were behind a towing vehicle, Fay was by her lonesome near another crate, and Kaden was behind the loading ramp.

"God damn it, how'd they get here ahead of us?" yelled Fox as he dropped a Karsygan in a spray of yellow blood.

"I have no idea." replied Krystal.

The Xenosians were moving onto the tarmac, running from cover to cover. A few fell to the Lylatian's fire, but most of them continued to advance. To make matters worse, klaxons began blaring from the spaceport and the security guards poured out and added their own gunfire to the already chaotic situation.

"Fuck, we need to wrap this up quick." said Kozan while he signalled Manyard and an Ogre to go around and flank the Lylatians.

Dennis lay flat on the ground where Karza had shoved him, looking up at the lasers and plasma bolts flying through the night sky.

"All I have to do is stand up and it will all be over."

The Koopa glanced over at his fiance.

"Sorry baby."

Suddenly, Dennis glanced movement in the brush by the canine. An Ogre poked his head out and aimed a rifle in Fay's direction. The spaniel did not notice him.

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