A New Partner

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Y/N walked towards the Creature Reserve contemplating the past few days. Maisy had been accepted as an honorary Gryffindor. She spent all her meal times at the Gryffindor table and she even had permission to visit their common room. Percy had complained like the prat he was, but the head boy Gerald, who happened to be a lion, overruled him. Fred, George and Lee has adopted her as a fourth member of their group and she had quickly gotten close to all of them, especially George.

She was in all the same classes as the three boys except Care of Magical Creatures, where Y/N and Cedric looked after her.

Maisy had told Y/N that when she went to her dorm it was basically to sleep, wash and change. While she was there everyone ignored her. This suited her perfectly.

This was a big relief for Y/N. Once he had seen past the arrogant facade she showed the world, Y/N had discovered what a sweet, sensitive soul she really was. He worried about her greatly- especially in a house with as many ruthless and cruel personalities as Slytherin.

In private conversations with Y/N, Snape notified Y/N he had also been watching out for her, although publicly he scorned her, as was his way- publicly he scorned everyone... except Y/N and Hermione.

Y/N reached the magical entrance to the Reserve and entered. He saw Barnaby waiting for him at the Rangers Station and walked up to him smiling:

"Hey B, what are we doing this week?"

"Hey little bro. I've got a special treat for you. My favourite creatures." Barnaby said with a giant smile.

It was quickly returned by Y/N who asked excitedly:

"You mean?"

Barnaby smiled and nodded:

"Yep... bowtruckles".


They spent ten minutes walking through the Reserve until they reached the forest enclosure. Y/N quickly ran up to Welshy to see his favourite giant green girl.

He quickly greeted and hugged her as she slammed her tail up and down and shook her head happily before Y/N apologised that he had to return to work. Barnaby smiled at Y/N and how close the boy had gotten to the dragon.

Barnaby chuckled at what a strange expression that was to say- only at Hogwarts he thought to himself.


Y/N and Barnaby approached a large Wiggentree in the middle of the Biome and Y/N was delighted to see the little green playful creatures frolicking. The two happily went about their work, until after about ten minutes Y/N saw one of the tiny green creatures sitting on the ground next to the tree. He smiled as knelt down.

Hey little guy.

No response. Of course there was no response. Bowtruckles couldn't talk, or whisper rather. They could hear and understand, as they would react when Y/N whispered to them, but couldn't respond. He tried again.

You ok?

Still Nothing. The bowtruckle just looked at the ground sadly, breaking Y/N's heart.

Want me to put you in the tree?

The bowtruckle scooted away from Y/N and hid behind a rock.

Ok ok sorry I didn't mean to scare you. Would you like me to pick you up but not put you up in the tree?

Y/N held his hand out and in a second the little bowtruckle had shot up his hand and arm and perched on his shoulder.

You ok there little buddy?

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now