The Girls Weekend

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Tonight I am having a slumber party with my BFF'S Dayna, Skarla and Tracey. Tonight is the night I have fun with my friends and maybe even find out if that note writer is any of the girls.

I start getting organised for the sleep over because everyone's going to be here in an hour. So I cleaned up my room then got on to my self appearance. I crouched down and got my makeup kit from under my bed. I sat it up on my desk, in front of the mirror. I got out my light coloured foundation and my brush that is so soft I could die. After I applied my foundation to cover up my pimples and freckles I got out my latest purchase from the make up shop in town which is my eyeliner and mascara. I put my eyeliner on the bottom of my eyes and the mascara on after I did a natural eye lid colour. The last thing I had to do was pluck and colour my eyebrows for the perfect look.

I was packing up my make up kit and then of course the door bell rang. I ran down stairs and opened up the door greeting all the girls as they walked through the door. They followed me upstairs to my room so they could put there bags down. We just sat up in my room and gossiped and had a lol to each other. While we were talking I brought up the subject about the notes I had been getting. I asked them if it was them and they all giggled and said no. I was a bit unsure about there answer because of their little giggle but I didn't worry to much.

By that time mum called us down for dinner, we all ran down the stairs like there was a competition on who could get to the table first. We sat around the dining table and ate fish and chips while mum went shopping for our party crackers that we are going to use tonight around the fire in the back yard.

While mum was still out we decided to fill the whole house with music and party like nothing else mattered. From us running around and being sill Skarala accidentally nocked over my mums brand new t.v. We all screamed in horror to know what to do. So we all decided to just pick the t.v up and carry it down the street to the the big garbage bin hoping mum didn't get home yet. We didn't notice that we left the back door open so my dog Jack got into the house while we were gone and nocked just about every pot plant in the house over. While we were running back home we saw over the street my mum pull over and answer a phone call in the car. We all ran through a ladies front and back yard and she is crazy about her garden. We jumped all the back fences until we got back to my court. We ran through the back of my house and ran into the back door. We soon noticed that the dog had messed everything up so I went and picked up all the pot plants. Dayna swept up all the dirt and Skarala got the dog into the backyard and Tracey made sure that my mum didn't get back too early We did this quick enough that mum didn't notice anything had gone wrong.


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