Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Come on, Taylor, the girls are waiting outside!"

"Coming, Tasha, give me a minute!" I call to the impatient red head on the other side of my door.

I shoulder my handbag, straighten my dress, and spritz perfume on my wrist before unlocking and opening my bedroom door.

"You do realize that my dad owns the jet, right? It won't leave till we are ready?" I question Natasha as we head out to where our limo waits to take us to the airport.

"I realize that, Taylor, but did you want to keep Betty, Jane, and Darcy waiting?"

I roll my eyes. "Darcy is probably immersed in her IPod right now while Betty and Jane discuss science. They could have waited five more minutes."

Natasha sighs and drags me towards the lobby doors.

We were going to the airport with Jane Foster, Betty Ross, and Darcy Lewis - each of which had just flown in from their respective homes - to go to Australia for a girl's night. Since eighteen was the legal drinking age there, all of us - even Darcy and I - could drink and keep our minds off of our male counterparts.

Well, except Darcy and Tasha, who were single. But Darcy should be a funny drunk.

Thor was ecstatic to learn of Jane coming to New York, along with his 'small shield-sister' Darcy. I liked Darcy, because she was my age, wielded a taser, and was weirder than me. Bruce and Betty were taking another shot at being a couple, because General Ross was currently grounded overseas and all records available to him showed Betty in a false location.

Courtesy of yours truly.

Jane was looking to get hired in the R&D department of Stark Industries, as a partner/assistant to Bruce mainly, but the all-around brainpower was welcomed.

I open the door to the lobby a just get a glimpse of the quickly darkening sky before I have to catch an armful of intern.

"Taylor! Hi, hey, hi, hi!"

"Okay," I say as I pry Darcy off me and playfully glare towards the two scientists restraining giggles by the limo, "Who gave Darcy sugar?"

The giggles are no longer restrained as Darcy hugs me again, gentler this time. "Good to see you, bolt buckets."

"Whatever you say, sparky." I roll my eyes at my nickname and fire back with her nickname, given because of the taser on her hip.

We laugh as I make my way over to Jane and Betty and give them hugs. "Hey Jane, Betty, long time no see! Hey did you read that one theory-"

"-by that one guy, in that one place? Yes, I did."

I scowl as Jane ruffles my hair. "Told you not to do that, Jane!"

"Sorry, sorry, couldn't help myself."

I sigh as open the limo door, climbing through to the bench in the back with Darcy as Jane, Betty, and Natasha file into the sides.


You can almost hear the crickets chirping as silence yawns between us, the product of occasional meetings and states' worth of distances.

"Hey Tasha, you're not dating Clint yet?" Darcy breaks the silence, amiable as always.

"No, that'd be me."

Darcy's eyes widen as she stares at me as her eyes widen behind her thick black-frame glasses.

"Really? You? With Clint?"


"How did Tony react to that? Please tell you have footage..."

"Oh, do I ever! Jarvis, pull up that footage on my phone. Jane, Betty, want to see?"

At their eager nods, I twist in my seat so everyone can see the screen and press play.

"-junk mail, bill, parking citation for the Quinjet..."

"The Quinjet gets citations?"

"Yes, Darcy, until Tasha scares them off. Now shush."

She does, and the girls watch with bated breath as the tension in the room rises as Clint and my dad go toe-to-toe.

"-defending your girlfriend."

"Low blow, Tony, low blow!"

"Maybe I am."

Darcy jumps out of her seat. "What? But he just said you weren't dating! And-"

"Darcy, sit down and shush! You missed Clint being sappy."

Darcy returns to her seat only to get up again and squeal when Clint dips me and kisses me. The rest of the girls coo and wolf-whistle, jostling my shoulders as I try not to blush at the memory, months old or not.

There's laughter all around at my dad's gaping face, Steve's blush, and Natasha and Bruce's money exchange.

"Hey Tasha, what were you and Bruce betting on?"

"How long it would take birdbrain to ask you out after that 'outing' the night before."

"Outing? What outing? Was it a date?"

I sigh. "No, I don't think so." I briefly recount what went down the night before the scene we just watched, before changing the subject. "So, Tasha, got your eye on any prizes?"

Natasha lets out something between a sigh and a groan as we all turn curious, nosy gazes on her. "The answer to that is still no, and I don't know why you still ask."

"Well, my dad used to tell me that if you ask a question enough, the answer will change."

I give Darcy, Jane and Betty high fives as Natasha rolls her eyes.

Silence blankets the car again until a new punk song streams through the radio.

"Ohh, turn it up! I love this song!" Darcy bounces in her seat as I relay her message to the driver, and pretty soon we are all singing our lungs out, laughing until we cry, and looking forward to Aussie-land.

I just hope it is ready for us.


This will be multi chaptered. I got the idea for this from a fanfiction author named Nienna Nir's Real Women Wear Dresses. You should go check it out. No plagiarism intended.

Love, read, and review!

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