Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Are you sure this was a good idea?" I wonder aloud as I turn and walk back the way I came.

Steve sighs and looks up from his charcoal lined paper. "Clint, seriously, calm down. Please. The girls can take care of themselves. I don't know why you worry so much."

"That," Tony interjects, mid-spin on a chair he stole - sorry, borrowed - from one of the offices. "and your pacing is making me dizzy. Seriously, cool your jets, I think I can find a Hunger Games rerun if you want."

I sigh and nod resignedly as I slump into one of the overstuffed couches.

I try and focus on the screen, I really do, but even critiquing Katniss can't divert my mind enough.

Just as she finds Peeta in the mud my brain kicks back into worried rant mode.

"I mean, she is only eighteen. And she isn't fully armed. And she might be drunk. All of them might be drunk. Well, not Tasha, but everyone else. What if she gets hurt? Or alcohol poisoning? Or mugged? Or attacked by an animal of some sort. Or-"

"Clint!" I snap out of my frenzy to see Bruce sending exasperated looks my way from his bar stool. "Breathe."

I do.

"Taylor will be perfectly fine. She is just going out with some female friends to release and have fun. Most of those people have high enough IQ's to rival Einstein-"

"-or thirty eight points higher-"

"Yes, Tony, I know. Anyways, they will not lose all inhibitions because of one innocent drink. Even if that does, by some miracle, happen, Natasha will die of alcohol poisoning before she gets drunk."

"Yes," Thor adds in his two cents. "Our shield sisters are simply enjoying a night of merriment. Even if they are not armed with the sharpest of blades, their hands and feet serve better than most weapons. Furthermore, I am of the utmost certainty that Lady Darcy carries what you call a 'tazer'."

"So, Clint, your feathers are needlessly ruffled. Taylor will be fine. She is in great company, responsible company, and I can tell you right now she has at least one knife somewhere on her person. Plus, you are forgetting that all of them are either dating world renowned superheroes or are world renowned superheroes themselves. That takes guts and thick skin." Tony points out.

I allow myself a small smile as I relax back into the couch as I lock the frantic worry in the back of my head.

Nobody notices me grab my phone and fire off a quick message.

To: Taylor

Hey. Just checking in, making sure you're in 1 piece. Stay in 1 piece please. Everything good here. Have fun. Love you.

I sigh contently as the message sends. I settle back to surf channels and watch Steve, Thor, and Tony debate the modern world while Bruce tries not to laugh.

"Clint, you were in the army, right?"

I blink at Tony. "Uh, yeah. Before S.H.I.E.L.D."



"Cap here thinks that the army has lost all of its grit to government 'ruffles'. Captain, Evidence A." Tony waves a hand dramatically at me.

Steve and I just roll our eyes as Bruce distracts Tony with science and big words Taylor would understand, but not me.

I flick through more channels and the chatter eventually fades to uncomfortable silence.

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