Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I glance over my shoulder as someone shouts on the ground and I almost sigh in relief when I see Steve, Thor, Clint, and my dad standing alongside the girls staring up at my little daredevil acrobatic stunts.

I look for a little longer than I should, because I soon feel my hands start to slip.

I clench my teeth as I clench my fists around the rungs and pull myself up onto a rung the helicopter, shoving my legs through so I am sitting on the rung like you would a railing. I curl my left hand around a beam that attaches the rung to the body of the helicopter as I curl out of sight and stare up at the blades, wondering how I can take this down without going home in a body bag.

My eyes widen as the bldes whip by in front of my eyes and I ease my right hand towards the back waistband of my dress, where my gun is pressed against my back.

I slip out my gun and make sure that it is loaded with the right amount of bullets before aiming it to my left, right at the fuel tank.

One shot is all it takes for there to be a perfect little hole in the gas cover and therefore the gas tank. The copter shudders as black fluid begins pouring out of the newly made puncture wound, and I know I have to get off fast.

I aim my gun again, this time at the blurred blades above my head. I stay focused on them for a minute, letting my eyes adjust to the quick, repetitive movement as I line up my shot.

Two bullets. That is all I have against helicopter blades moving too fast for even my agile brain to follow. And I need them to work now.

The odds must hate me.

I shake myself out of my thoughts and steady my hands and mind for the shot.


I just barely hear the bullet ricochet with a metallic ping. The helicopter does rock unsteadily though, so something is better than nothing.

I tense as I line up the last shot. I inhale....


I duck to avoid the piece of a blade that snapped off and cheer quietly as the helicopter rocks, shakes, and shudders before falling still.

And then just plain falling.

I pull my legs up and stand on the rung, my stomach and heart in my throat as I begin to calculate the distance from here to the ground and where the safest landing place would be.

"Taylor!" That's Natasha screaming. "You need to jump! Now!"

I bite my lip as I continue calculating distances and angles and curves-

"We will catch you! Now, Taylor!"

I exhale and close my eyes as I Edge towards the edge of the rung, bend my knees, let go, and jump.

I freefall for what feels like forever, feeling like I left my stomach on the chopper, and curl into an armadillo-like ball, dropping the gun, as I prepare for certain death.

Except it never comes.

Once my brain registers the stop in movement, I crack open a hesitant eye to be met with four sets over concerned and relived eyes.

Natasha's scarlet hair and emerald orbs are positioned over my head, Betty's chocolate eyes and hair are on the left of ribs and back, Jane's caramel eyes are on my right, and I can barely make out Darcy's glasses by my feet.

Judging by the fact that I'm still supported and there are knots pressing into my back, I'd say they've locked arms and made a human hammock of sorts.

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