Sinking in

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Alyssa POV,

"SAM!!" I shouted.

She quickly ran to my direction and hugged me

"Don't worry Sam, you'll be safe on me" I whispered to her.

After a while, she broke our hug because she saw a blood from my mouth and the bruises on my hands.

I groaned also because of the punch I got on my stomach, Sam lift my t-shirt up and saw my (abs joke) bruises on my stomach.

"Are you okay? Let's go to the confession room Ly!!" Sam panicking and called the guy housemates to carry me.

"Hey, I'll be fine. Don't worry that much Sam." I said to her while looking on her eyes.

Kuya TJ and Eian carried me but only thing I saw is Dennise eyes looking at me, her eyes looks hurt and full of pain.

Guilt is killing me!! Not this bruises, Inuna ko si Samantha makita hindi yung girlfriend ko!!

This is so frustrating, sana maintindihan niyang emergency ang nangyari na to.

The boys leave me here at the couch blindfolded, Chineck ako ng medic at ginamot ang mga sugat ko. Kuya told me to rest for 2 days, Kuya gave me some medicine also for fast healing. After that, kuya provide a wheelchair so that the boys doesn't need to carry me and it's less hassle.

Alexa is with Dennise right now, they're talking so I go to them. They suddenly stop when they saw me, looks like it's a girly talk that I interrupt with.

Alexa awkwardly look at me and smile.


Dennise POV,

People change.

Love changes.

Feelings change.

So yes.

In can totally happen if aspects of the relationship remain stagnant, or if people do not grow together or grow apart.

If your girlfriend has changed, there can be many reasons for that. The best approach would be to ask her directly but I'm not ready to face the truth now.

I love that special girl even after knowing she love someone else, it's slowly sinking in to me.

The way she look at Samantha is the way she look at me before.

It is better to begin making boundaries in my mind as well as heart from now on.

It is tough to understand this but life at times puts to such hard situations also.

"Ate Den? Are you okay? You're spacing out ate, you can talk to me. Even though we're not in good term before because of hurting ate Ly before but now I know the reason of that issue, I'm here for you also. You can trust me." Alexa sat beside me and she look at me with smile on her face.

"Your eyes were screaming in pain earlier, I saw how you look at ate Ly. You can count on me anytime, now I know you need someone to talk about you problems." Alexa continued speaking and she offered a hug for me.

"Alexa you know I'm a tough person but this day I can't handle my emotions, it's mixed emotion actually. Part of me wants to accept the fact, part of me denying it, part of me keep on holding on and part of me wants to give up. I know she's having a feelings to Sam or baka nag overthink lang ako? Alexa help me kahit ngayon lang , I need someone's opinion." I replied, my voice cold and monotoned but I accept the hug she offered.

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