12. Come here!

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In the morning the Hans family residence calm "Y/N! DO NOT MOVE!
LUHAN! D.O! HOLD HIM! " Probably wrong ... Xiumin shouted as he walked towards Y/n who was sitting on the bed.

2 hours earlier.

Hans's family is done having breakfast start doing activities respectively.

Suho in the living room watching television with Chanyeol and starting to notice Y/n’s strange behavior. "I feel like Y/n is weird lately." Say Suho.

Chanyeol looked at his brother and his forehead started to frown "Yeah, hyung I feel like that too but what's wrong?” Chanyeol asked.

Chen and Luhan who just happened to finish finished their dessert from the kitchen interrupted the conversation
Chanyeol and Suho.

"Strange? Yeah, right." Chen said sitting on the couch with Luhan suddenly Luhan remembered something.

"Erm .. hyung." Call Luhan and the three of them look at him.

"Luhan thinks he forgot to take medicine again. The doctor told him to take medicine every day." Luhan said with a clumsy smile.

The three of them listened the answer from Luhan looked on each other and ran to call the other leaving Luhan in the living room.

After a few minutes they gathered except Y/n "So we has to force him to take medicine again?" Kai asked "Yeah." Answer Suho.

"What do you want to do?" Ask
Lay "One way by forcing him. Suho,
D.o with Luhan follow me the others wait down if he runs down the you guys catch him." Xiumin explained
and the others nodded.

And let's go back to the chase after the Hans brothers.

"I don't want!" Y/n screamed and ran out from my room. Suho and the others without wasting time chasing Y/n.

While Mr. Hans which was in the family study just shook their heads and smiled.

"Kids." Said Mr. Hans and luckily he was already locked up the door otherwise Y/n will run to him and ask for a respite.

Back to Hans' four siblings which is chasing Y/n "Here hyung say." Xiumin said while holding a bottle of medicine.

"I don't want." Say Y/n and look
backwards. Chen and the others who
Xiumin has been instructed to wait below to catch Y/n.

"Y/n there's no way for you to run.
Give up." Luhan said like
police and was beaten by Suho.

"You think, you're the cop." Suho said  "I'm just kidding." Luhan said while pouting.

Y/n looks up and sees opportunities
to escape that is by ...

"Where did Y/n learn this?!" Chen asked
excited and tapped with a bottle of medicine which is in Xiumin's hands.

"This not time to be amazed." Xiumin said angrily and turned to Y/n who was swinging his body.

Y/n's hand holds the chandelier in the living room and swings his body to
landed. 'Where's should I land?'
Ask Y/n.

Y/n accidentally let go of his link "Wait hyung catc-." Kai who wanted to catch Y/n was relieved when he saw his brother fall on top sofa and Xiumin took an open opportunity.

Y/n who is still shocked with his mouth open is not aware of it Xiumin's presence was right in front of him.

Xiumin fed two pills of medicine in Y/n's mouth and take a glass of water that is on the table and give to Y/n.

Y/n which has swallowed his medicine is back aware of the situation happened and accepted the water given to Xiumin and drank it.

His brothers began to complain, "It's hard time to force you to take medicine." Chanyeol said.and Y/n just smiles.

The long lost little brother become psycho mafia?! (Blackpink x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now