Forever Together

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You sit down and rub your head. All that power expelled in one blow really took a lot out of you.

Y/n: So, what will we be eating? (You look over at Aqua and Megumin)

Megumin: I think we'll make some roasted frog with rice, veggie salad and some mashed potatoes.

Aqua: Yeah, Toad meat is only good for slow cooking foods. Its really dense and chewy, but frog meat is tender and cooks faster.

Y/n: Wow, you guys know a lot about these things.

Megumin: Kazuma taught us (She rubs her arm and chuckles) we used to have no idea how to cook or clean or do anything for that matter...

Y/n: That's really nice of him to teach you guys all of that. by the way, where is Darkness?

Megumin: She's a defense specialist so she's the one that basically provides cover for us when we need it. Not to mention she can't hit a thing.

Y/n: What do you mean by "She can't hit a thing"?

Aqua: She literally can't hit anything. Her aim stat is so bad, she'll land a hit 3% of the time, so that's why she specializes in defense. She has her defense stat at around 750 or something like that.

Y/n: (You have sudden flashbacks about last night) 750?!, Mine is just at 155!! [So that's why she couldn't punch me, even though she was throwing hits like a pro boxer] Ah, that does make sense though... (You tilt your head) But that still doesn't tell me where she is.

Megumin: Our defense specialist went to take a shower; she was covered in frog slime.

Y/n: Ohhh, alright. I'll go take a bath too, I feel sweaty (You wipe your forehead)

Aqua: Alright, Megumin and I will be here.

You walk down the hallway and into Darkness's room where you put your clothes. As you walk out you knock on Kazuma's door.

Y/n: Hey, did you see if darkness came out of the bathroom?

Kazuma: Yeah, I think I saw her walking out a while ago.

Y/n: (You walk to the bathroom and knock on the door) Anyone there? (Silence) Alright I think she's out (You walk in and immediately turn and walk out) Shit shit shit shit shit-

You walk to the room and sit on the bed quietly. A few minutes later Darkness walks in and looks at you.

Darkness: Sorry I took so long; I was feeling sleepy (She dries her hair)

Y/n: Y-yeah, it's alright (You take your clothes and towel and walk to the bathroom)

As you're sitting in the bath you think of what you saw a while ago

Y/n: [D-damn... that's the first time I see a naked girl in real life...]

You finish taking a bath and walk out to the kitchen. Darkness and Kazuma were sitting on the couch

Kazuma: Hey Y/n, how did you get such a cool weapon when you got here?

Y/n: I asked for it from this Eris girl that sent me here (You take a seat)

Kazuma: What?! How did she let you pick something that cool?! Didn't she give you some papers with lame weapons?!

Y/n: N-no? She just told me to select one weapon and one ability-

Kazuma: Ability?!

Aqua walks in

Kazuma: Aqua you never gave me the option to get an ability!

Aqua: Ability? What ability?

Kazuma: An ability when you sent me here!

Aqua: Oohhh, Yeah you need to earn that. (She walks to the kitchen to serve the food)

Kazuma: I was a good person! How did I not get one!

Aqua: Cause, you weren't that good! (She looks at you) How did you die?!

Y/n: I died in a terrorist attack, saving some people? Or something like that

Aqua: See! He earned it! He didn't die as a shut in neet!

Kazuma: Shut up you useless goddess!

Megumin: (She walks in) What are you guys fighting about!

After they calmed down You all sit down and eat. The food was sooo good. The meat was the same as the first time you ate it, tender and flavorful. It was your first time getting drunk, never did you drink so much back on earth, to tonight you were going to let loose.

Kazuma: Tonight, was a great night (Hiccup) Here's to Y/n!

You all clink booze bottles together and keep drinking. After an hour you all finally had enough.

Megumin: S-so good! (She drinks)

Kazuma: H-hey! You're not (Hiccup) allowed to drink!

Megumin: B-but I already did! (She sets her bottle on the table)

Kazuma: L-lets get you to (Hiccup) to sleep (He gets up and picks up megumin)

Megumin: B-Bye bye! (She rubs her face on Kazuma's neck)

Aqua: (She gets up and grabs a few bottles more) I'll be going too! (Hiccup)

Y/n: (You rub your head and turn to see Darkness barely awake) H-hey darkness?

Darkness: (She slowly raises her head) Y-yes Y/n?

Y/n: W-we should (Hiccup) g-go to bed.

Darkness: G-good idea (She gets up)

Y/n: (You wrap her arm around your neck and help her walk to the bedroom)

As you walk in, Darkness immediately starts taking off her chothes.

Y/n: H-hey! W-what's the big idea!

Darkness: I was just changing (Hiccup) why do you ask?

Y/n: I-it's rude to change in front of someone like that! (Hiccup)

Darkness: Have you never seen a woman in her (Hiccup) underwear before?

Y/n: N-not in person!

Darkness: How would you like to touch one?

Y/n: I-I, D-darkness you're drunk (You slowly back away)

Darkness: Oh come on (Hiccup) I know you want to (She wraps her arms around your neck)

Y/n: D-darkness, please calm down (Hiccup)

Darkness: Please, complete your perverted desires using my body, use me as much as you like (She rubs herself on you)

Y/n: D-darkness, please, you (Hiccup) Don't want this.

Darkness: if I didn't want it I wouldn't ask for it (Hiccup) N-now stop wasting time!

You fall into her temptation and wrap your arms around her waist. Her skin is so soft and smooth, like a silk cloth.

Darkness: Don't be shy you pervert, touch anywhere you want (She grabs your hands and places them on her behind)

Your heart starts to beat faster and your face gets red. You have never, in both your lives, touched a girl intimately. You wonder how far she will go tonight.

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