A new Friend

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You saw Daisuke get up and walk over to you, asking you if he can have a small chat outside. After informing Darkness that you will be gone for a few minutes you got up and headed out. You stood with him in the back of the building, he seemed nervous of being here all of a sudden, a quick explanation was all he needed in order to understand all this.

Y/n: I see, so you were also persuaded by that God to come here?

Daisuke: Yes, this place seemed better than being reborn or being sent to heaven.

Y/n: What weapon did you choose while coming here?

Daisuke: Well, I died by frost in a local river by my home. It was my birthday when it happened, so basically I died at twenty-four years old. The best weapon i could think of were ice based weapons.

Y/n: That's amazing, I can think of Sub-Zero's sword from Mortal Kombat, or maybe Mr. Freeze's ice ray from Batman, or maybe even an ability like The ice king from Adventure Time.

Daisuke: Well I was a big fan of old 2000-2015 movies, and the weapon that came to my mind was Jack Frost's staff from the Guardians movie. I don't currently have the staff with me but it is made of a very sturdy wood and the shape is kinda hooked. I really like it. But that isn't why I called you out here, I wanted to ask, what's my purpose here? What am I to do?

You laugh and nudge his arm with your elbow.

Y/n: There is no purpose to be here, this is just another life you chose to love. Unlike RPG games from earth, this world has no meaning. You do whatever you want. I mean, look at me. I've been here for a week or two and I picked up a really nice girl, made some friends, defeated some evil sorcerer, died while doing it and came back to life to celebrate.

He looks at you in utter confusion and you can see his face shifting feelings.

Daisuke: So i just do whatever I want? Just, anything? I just arrived a few days ago... anything?

Y/n: Yes yes, anything you want. I see you already picked up Wiz from where she was, maybe you can get with her you know what I mean.

He looks away and chuckles in embarrassment

Daisuke: Yes yes. I mean-!

You heavily pat his back and make your way back into the hall

Y/n: You'll be alright, just don't do anything bad.

Darkness was waiting for you, still sitting where she was.

Darkness: Where did you go?

Y/n: Just had a small chat with the newcomer, he needed a little motivation, and I think I knocked some in him (You look over at Wiz)

Darkness: That's nice, what do you want to eat? They're serving some rice with salad and meat and some soup made with almost the same components.

Y/n: I'll take the rice with meat and veggies, I'm not a big fan of soup.

Darkness: Alright then.

She called over the person that was serving the foods and gave them the order of food you both wanted. You looked over at the corners of the room and saw some white flowers, neatly packed in beautiful bouquets.

Y/n: Why are there flowers all over the place? Did someone die?

Darkness: Technically, you did. This entire thing was to mourn you... But you found a way to get back to us, so it is now a celebration. Honestly, you turned everything around here.

Y/n: Wow, I didn't think i would have much of an impact here in this world, Honestly I thought I would be a minority here.

Darkness: Well you turned out to be something great, and we all appreciate that (She leans over and lands a soft kiss on your cheek)

You smile as the plates of food are placed in front of you and Darkness. Everything looked so delicious and very well prepared. Everyone ate together like one big family, something rarely done on earth. Darkness looked so calm and relaxed, completely different from what she looked like this morning. You reached over to her and brushed off a few grains of rice from her lip. She looked away in embarrassment and wiped her mouth properly with a napkin.

After the delicious meal everyone got up and made their way out, welcoming you to attend a party in your honor.

Apparently the magic user that you defeated was the last and most powerful one, no one in the entire kingdom could take him out but you managed to do so. You saved this kingdom of a great threat and became the hero of the kingdom, along with the team you lead into this fight.

Everyone who was in the hall was walking to a set of tents on the field. Earth magic users used their abilities to make a dance floor whilst plant magic users made a huge plant based roof, just in case some weather changes were to happen.

You and Darkness made your way back to the mansion, you asked the person setting up the dance to notify everyone you'll be there in a few hours. Sleepiness was starting to take over you so you needed a little nap before you went to the dance. Darkness accompanied you to the mansion, she didn't want to take her eyes off you after everything that happened.

You both walked in and made your way directly to the bedroom. You stripped off your fancy clothes and laid down on the bed with your arms wide open, dozing off more and more by the minute. Darkness laid on your arm and held onto you. You wrapped your arms around her and finally fell asleep after a few minutes.

The nice and fresh room was in the perfect conditions for a nap, this should be enough to regain your energy before the dance.

A couple hours pass and you wake up with Darkness still between your arms, sleeping. You rub her back as she begins to wake up and stretch. The cute little moans she makes are like those of a little girl.

She sat up on you, asking if you are fully rested for the dance, to which you answer yes. She gets up and walks to the closet to pick out an outfit for the both of you. You sit and watch her frantically pull out dresses and suits and immediately put them back in.

She finally makes up her mind and picks a beautiful white dress with pink and gold accents, along with a black suit for you also with gold accents.

You got dressed and made your way out with her, the happiness in her face was priceless and you felt good for making her feel that way.

Your New life with DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now