Trouble with Babysitting

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Y/n blinked, trying to process what Queen just said. They had offered to babysit Lancer for the afternoon, but perhaps that was a mistake.

Too late for regrets now.

Y/n suspiciously glanced at Lancer. They had thought this would be a fun job, but from the way Queen put it, things might become... more troublesome than expected. But to y/n's relief, Lancer was peacefully content just staring off into space.

"So.. hey, buddy! What do you wanna do...?" Y/n asked with a hesitant smile. This was their first time babysitting, and they only picked up the gig to buy the Sans Limited Edition Happy Meal Toy for Berdly. Berdly takes his collection quite seriously.


"What.. What was that, Lancer?"


Y/n only grew more confused.

"Um, are you hungry? I don't exactly know how to make french fries, but we could eat something else-"


"Sans' it is then."

Why am I letting this kid control me?

Lancer gave a gleeful grin, tongue half out, as he trotted out the door. Sans recently upgraded his store to sell diner food, and it's all Lancer will eat nowadays.

The walk was brief on this beautiful day. The birds singing a beautiful tune as Lancer picked some freshly bloomed flowers, and... ate them. Jeez, I need to get this kid to Sans' fast before he eats his own hand.

Finally, they reached Sans'. Lancer dashed to the door, tripping over his own feet. Y/n sighed with a slight smile, opening the door for him. The waiter, also the only worker there, led us to our table. Fancy for this place.

"Would you like to hear today's special?" Sans, our waiter, inquired.

"Oh, sure," y/n replied.

"No problem, today is special!"

Sans walked away, laughing at his own joke, without even bothering to take our order. Ever since his store got more business, he's been the most popular person among teenage girls. He gets plenty of complaints for his terrible customer service, but all of the negativity is drowned out by his fangirls. His fangirls are practically bodyguards. Terrifying ones at that. There's been... incidents... in the past.

Y/n noticed the menus sloppily placed on the table. Y/n's had a brown stain on theirs, which they hoped to just be coffee, while Lancer had a crappy paper kids menu with a plastic pack of crayons.

"Ok, Lancer, how about we order something healthier before the fries?"

However, to y/n's dismay, Lancer had grabbed one crayon out of the plastic, and instead of his hand moving towards the paper, he brought it to his mouth and chomped it.




"Apple slicer or not, they taste pretty decent to me.

"It's 'appetizer.'"

Lancer just gave a halfhearted shrug and continued to nibble on the wax. "Besides, Susie lets me eat the crayons here."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2021 ⏰

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