He is not our enemy

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It was the first Saturday evening since returning back to Hogwarts and Hermione was sat in the common room talking with Ron and Lavender. She was sat across from the pair on the groups favourite couches.

It was nearly 9:00pm and Hermione was extremely worried about Y/N. He had been up since 5:00am doing his usual routine but insisted Hermione couldn't come on weekends, that she deserved a sleep in. Hermione loved that he cared so much and wanted her to rest but she wished he would give himself the same break.

She had met with him briefly at breakfast before he headed to the dungeons for his 'detention' with Snape. He didn't return until lunch time. He quickly ate before being dragged to Quidditch training.

No one was allowed to watch- Wood had caught Maisy and Hermione in the stands during the week and had been acting crazily paranoid since, convinced other houses were spying on the team.

He had even stated that Maisy being in the Gryffindor common room was a Slytherin conspiracy. Hermione giggled at the memory of Y/N's face when Wood had said that. It took quite a lot of handholding and kisses on the cheek to calm Y/N down when he wanted to knock Oliver out.

He and Harry had came to dinner with the rest of the team, quickly ate and then had to head straight back out to the pitch for more training.

They finally arrive back in the common room. The rest of the team grumbled and headed up to the dorms as Y/N and Harry headed towards their three friends. Y/N collapsed on the couch next to Hermione and Harry leant on the arm of the couch Ron and Lavender were sitting on.

Hermione smiled widely as she hugged him tightly and her head went to its natural position on Y/N's chest. She listened to his heartbeat which always made her feel calm, safe and protected. She smiled even more when she felt him kiss her on the top of her head.

"You ok?" she asked tenderly.

"Yeah I'm alright thanks 'Mione. Just tired and..."

Y/N was interrupted by Harry suddenly blurting out:

"Snape's the referee for our match against Hufflepuff".

Hermione felt Y/N sigh in frustration as Ron yelled out:

"Don't play"

"Pretend you're ill" Lavender added

"Pretend you broke your leg" Ron suggested foolishly.

"Really break your leg." Y/N snapped.

The four looked at Y/N, concerned with his angry tone of voice and the glare in his eyes.

"What?" Y/N added.  "It's as smart as pretending. Besides I've told you over and over Harry. He is not our enemy. If he's been made referee then it's to keep a closer eye on you".

Ron scoffed and Y/N ticked past 10 on the frustration level. Hermione wrapped her arms around his waist. Partially because she really wanted to, but also because she wanted to hold him down. She'd seen this look in his eyes before.

Y/N smirked at Hermione briefly before glaring back at Ron and Harry again, stating aggressively:

"Alright I've had enough of this. I'm not gonna mention it again. But at the end of all this when it's not Snape you both need to agree to never doubt me again. Deal?"

"Yeah fine/ok whatever" Harry and Ron muttered at the same time. Harry added:

"Besides I have to play. We don't have a backup"

Just as Harry finished there was a banging and commotion coming through the Common Room portrait door. The group looked to see Neville hop through, his legs stuck together.

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